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Better...but she still stabbing at me...

ESMe's picture

Wow, can't believe I've not posted since October 2011! So much has happened. Basically from last time I posted the EVIL SD ignored me. SO said he would try to expidite her moving out. She of course continued to blame me for everything. I took some time to read some books on step-parenting and just realize there is nothing I can do and I had to really step away emotionally from her. I did reach out to her one last time and apologize for hurting her feelings, she stopped ignoring me, but never apologized to me for the cruel things she said; so I initiated the ignoring peice. Much better this way really.
She did end up moving out the week prior to Christmas.....YIPPEE!!!! ((of course she moved in with grandma and grandpa....lets not live on our own)) She left her cat here, so of course I took care of it. Then when she comes here to pick up cat and litterbox etc, she gets mad cause all of her litter is gone. you really think I was going to pay for your cat's litter? And make sure the box was clean and changed. I know she got mad about it; however when I asked SO if she was mad he said o. When will he stop telling me lies to pacify the situation? Anyhow, she waited another 2 weeks to pick up cat...however put the litter box in her room, locked her door and left. So, her cat couldn't even use its own litterbox. Then her and her new BF(asshole)take SO out to dinner, which I didnt know about, she parked her car in such a way she took up the entire 2 car driveway, so I inched my way so close to her driver's door that she would have to get into passenger side..LOL! I sat in kitchen at table while her and her BF visted. Even SO didn't say one word to me...not even hello when he got home. I did talk to him later about that...I was so mad!!!
The next fiasco that happened was in January. We had some flooding issues where I work, so we had to evacuate residdents to other buildings. Well, it so happens SD and SO had a 'date night' planned and he offered to take me to work because of the flooding. I told him no cause i didn't want to interrupt his and SD plans. He told me it wouldn' I let him take me. OMG you guys! I came out of work and got in car and I could tell something wasn't I asked how it went. He hands me his phone and said, here read this. He got to town at 9 am (meeting time was to be at noon). He texted her and said he was early if she wanted to meet with him sooner and that he had to be back to pick me up at 430/5pm. She went balistic on this poor man!! Told him that she was with her grandma shopping and wouldn't be done till 3 pm. And that she was not going to have me involved with their day and how dare I interrupt their time together and that just forget their day. He tried to explain to her about the flooding and etc. And she said that I shouldve driven myself and she hated me and i was a bitch on a stick. And I am why they aren't close anymore and she never sees him unless they go out somewhere..............**will continue this** Smile


mom2boys's picture

aww.. there is no excuse. she should have respect for her father and just deal with you as you have to deal with her. UGH. I hope things get better for you.

IslandofDreams's picture

More importantly, did your SO believe anything that SD said? Did he see just how unreasonable she is being/