Entitled Step kids and stealing
I have two stepkids SD9 and SS12, I also have my bio children DD6 and DS8. All of my step kids lives they have had a serious Entitlement problem! Thanks to their BM who insist that everyone do everything for her and her kids.... how dare anyone not treat them like they rule the world! My problem is my husband and I don't have much money right now (recession) but I work hard for what I get, I do Not receive child support for my kids (my childrens father is not in their lives) I have two jobs and buy for my kids when I can. The step kids stay over here every weekend and are disrespectful, ungrateful little brats the entire time!! Basically my step kids feel that I should be buying them presents and gifts instead of my kids, they say my kids get more than them ( I have explained that, that is not true my children LIVE here so all of their stuff is in this house at all times, and I am their mother, I make my own money and I will provide for my children as I see fit) Their father does NOT buy things for my kids.. this is stuff that comes from me or clothes from their grandmother.
My husband is the typical disney dad! He lets them get away with murder, never thinks they do anything wrong and Im usually the one cleaning after everyone or reminding them to pick up their junk. Before the recession he bought anything and everything for them... spoiled them completely rotten! their mother teaches them nothing she spoils them to and expects everyone to spoil her children as well. Lately as money is few and far between, he hasent been able to spoil them like he would like to, and the kids get mad because their daddy wont buy them what they want.
My daughter shares a room with her step sister and they do not get along.. my daughter is 6 and likes to follow rules, she is a smart outgoing kid who thrives on praise, therefore she is a good kid at school and home. However her step sister bosses her around like a crazy person (She is alot like her BM) and yells and screams alot when she does not get her way. Yesterday, I was cleaning the girls room and I noticed two shoeboxes FULL of change under my step daughters bed... Later that afternoon when I picked my daughter up from school I asked her why her step sister had so much change under her bed and my daughter said "She stole it from *DH*'s piggy bank in the living room" I was furious!!! He works hard to afford what he can, pays his child support, and trying to afford Christmas presents for these skids and she is stealing over $30 worth in change from him. I asked my daughter what happened and she said her step sister took the piggy bank, snuck it upstairs with her blanket and dumped it under her bed, not just one time but 3!!! to completely empty it and told my daughter not to say a word because she wouldent get caught!
When I told my husband what I found and what I was told he was shocked that his little angel would do this to him and said he wanted to catch her lying about it. So his kids were being dropped off in two hours later and he announced he needed money he better look in the piggy bank..... immediately she said she had to use the bathroom...(She was already in timeout for pushing and hitting my daughter a few minutes after she even got in the house!! She got real nervous when he started looking for the money, finally he had to go up to her in the corner and say.. where is my change do you know?! and she said..."I took it... I mean me and "DD" took it, It was her fault her idea!!! she made me do it" so I let off on her "If she did it, WHY would ALL of it be under your bed?!? and nothing was under hers?" all she could say was "I don't know?" I don't know how it got there!!" Neither of the girls knew I was going to be cleaning their room (we had company coming the next day)
We pushed for her to tell the truth for 2 hours and all we got were lies stacked upon more lies from her. FInally she fessed and said she stole it, I asked "What were you going to do with all that money?! she said "Buy a laptop!" The only thing I found out my daughter had to do with it was when SD9 dumped the money under her bed she told my daughter to help her sort it, my daughter started to help sort it and when she messed up SD's counting SD told her to get away from it. I was upset my daughter did not tell me about this sooner that was all on her part, However my husband thinks she should be punished just as much as his own daughter for having anything to do with it. I agreed that both girls should loose TV that night but that is ALL i am willing to do to punish my daughter. My husband has not even punished SD yet! I asked SD if she thought she deserved Christmas presents and with the straightest face she said "Yes I deserve them!" It makes me SICK to my stomach!! Constantly she calls her father before its his weekend and complains about not wanting to come to his house, only to call him the next day and ask for a trampoline or some other absurd gift. WHY can't he see that his kids are using him for money :jawdrop: His son just stole $40 dollars worth on his credit card last month!!! :jawdrop:
My mother was coming today to bring my SS and SD their Christmas presents (they will not see them Christmas night with my children) but SD has been dancing around the house bragging to my DD that she gets her gift tonight...I turned around called my mother and told her not to bring them A single thing!!!
- Eternitydreaming's blog
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Sounds like VD (SD13) I
Sounds like VD (SD13) I caught her going through my purse and GG's wallet at the ripe old age of NINE!
Her excuse?
"I thought you were sleeping."
:jawdrop: She too is UBER bossy, loud, sexually precocious and just an all round ungrateful brat. When we confronted her about lying to CPS to get GG in trouble, she had her head down and pounding her fist b/c we said we could no longer trust her with the ATV we (read: I) had bought for the skids. She broke all the rules when using it and literally busted it. Then demanded that her "stupid father" get it fixed pronto.
All three, after bragging about how much money they had on hand, laughed their heads off when I suggested that for once, they buy GG a cup of coffee as a nice gesture.
"ARE YOU CRAAAAZZZZYYYYY???? NO WAY!!!!" was their response.
BTW after awhile you just
BTW after awhile you just stop telling biodad what is going on b/c there is never any consequences for actions. By that point (when VD was 9) I had given up saying anything "negative" about daddykin's "angels" because the rath was turned on me and my bios (my bios are grown and have been before meeting GG)
"You're not the perfect parent!"
"You're kids aren't out curing cancer!"
"My kids are special!"
"My kids are late bloomers!"
"They're JUST KIDS!"
ok after reading this I am
ok after reading this I am actually glad my FDH has stepped up and put Disney dad behind him. FSD3 isnt getting anything from "Santa" this year. or us. She has been awful towards me.
wow, if only it weren't
wow, if only it weren't against the law to smack SD'S upside the head sometimes! SD8 is the same - entitled, spoiled, ungrateful, selfish and greedy. she expects everyone to give her everything and do her bidding all the time - she'll even boss around her OLDER brother...and he DOES it! last summer they were over for the week (the worst week of my life, it seems) and DH did/bought stuff for them so they wouldn't be bored here...amongst all their toys and XBOx and DS...anyway, there was a night when we had a tornado watch and she just lost it, screaming to be taken home "right now!", even though the roads were closed and there were tornado watches all over the tv. she screamed for a good 2 hours, intercut with a good yelling at from me for her being so selfish (she'd risk her dad's life and her own just to go home...even her own mother was saying not to drive out)...anyway, it turned out that she was so adamant to go home because she knew her mother has a "surprise" waiting for her and her brother at home :jawdrop: i mean, WTF??? AND to top it all off, when they saw this surprise (BM and her BF had redone their bedrooms) they openly put it down and were disappointed that that's all it was! the sad thing is, BM hasn't learned from that day that the WORST thing she could do with her kids is spoil them because they won't appreciate it at all! and i just can't wait til SD starts stealing (which I KNOW she will because she's a rotten little brat!)!