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EvilStepMom1977's Blog

Skids coming this weekend.

EvilStepMom1977's picture

So last weekend my partner's ex informed him that the kids would not be available because they were going to a wedding.  I know.  You're supposed to say "Hey, is it okay if we trade weekends?" but she is a twat.

Honestly it was a welcome break for me since I took my kids and went to a hotel Memorial Day weekend after skid

1) smeared shit on the wall because we were out of TP

2) peed the bed after not putting on a Depend

3) failed to tell us she had an accident



EvilStepMom1977's picture

So it's my partner's weekend.  Last night (Friday) my daughter came to me with her camera to show e picture s of her bathroom.  Poop on the bath mat.  Poop smeared on the shower floor.  I called my partner and his daughter who is 9.  I was shaking.  In the past, I've addressed it with him so he could address it with her.

Skids having skids

EvilStepMom1977's picture

So I'm newish.

I've been with my partner (not husband) for 3 years.  I have sole physical and legal custody of my kids.  His kids stay with us every other weekend.

I'm losing patience with the nine year old.  In the past months, she's wet the bed twice and not said anything, leaving it to soak in for 24 hours.  The first time we discovered it, princess told daddy someone else wet the bed.  My partner told her accidents happen, BUT it's not okay to lie.  It's not okay to let it soak in all day.

