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First day after he left

Faye's picture

I actually feel ok. Been cleaning the house after all the mess from Xmas. My son has asked if he can stay for a while, he's been living with his my eldest son and they don't get on very well. So he's here, but has just returned from the doctors has he has been ill for a long time. doc thinks he has colitis! So I'm looking after him and his dog ATM.

Not heard from my partner or ex as I should now call him. I'm just getting my head around it all, but think I have already begun the grieving process during the last few months.

I have a few more days off work. Today I looked after me, nails, hair...ect. Feel better and calmer without all the tension in the house. Tomorrow I am planning to go and look at some new build, smaller properties. I know I will have to discuss our house sale with my ex at some point, building up to that!


misSTEP's picture

I think your first step (besides looking after your son. Colitis is a horrible thing. I've had it since middle school), needs to be see a LAWYER! Most around here have an initial free consultation. You need to do this immediately to see what you need to have done in the interim to get you by.