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Faye's Blog

Keeping busy, feeling low

Faye's picture

Still going ....thrown myself into work and looking after my son who isn't well and moved in with me for a while.

Not heard a thing from ex, although my older son has said he has been saying things to him about me, so has my SD been crying to him as she knows I think this is all down to her been a spoilt b***** not growing up (21) and laying the guilt on daddy. Now she's gone back to uni and he is alone.

Got home tonight and opened a letter telling me he has redirected his mail. Why not talk to me about this first? Coward or what?

Feeling sad

Faye's picture

Must be due to it being NYE. I'm keeping strong and focusing on all the bad things he did that caused me such a lot of pain. It's feeling difficult tonight, sure I will be ok tomorrow. Just being alone I guess.

Got some white Merlot and loud music....

Happy New Year everyone xx

Day 5

Faye's picture

Well, yesterday I met a friend for coffee and long two hour chat in Starbucks. While there I bumped into another friend, who when I mentioned I wea looking for a new job, gave me a great lead. I'm so glad I made the effort to get out of the house.

Day 3

Faye's picture

Well I seem to have got into a routine of staying up till 2am ish watching tv collections (re runs) or on line. Then sleeping late and not getting dressed! As I'm off work until 2nd January I don't seem to have any structure at all.

I'm not beating myself up about this though and just relaxing and enjoying being lazy, with no arguments or stress it's actually quite nice. Also I know it's not forever.

First day after he left

Faye's picture

I actually feel ok. Been cleaning the house after all the mess from Xmas. My son has asked if he can stay for a while, he's been living with his my eldest son and they don't get on very well. So he's here, but has just returned from the doctors has he has been ill for a long time. doc thinks he has colitis! So I'm looking after him and his dog ATM.

Not heard from my partner or ex as I should now call him. I'm just getting my head around it all, but think I have already begun the grieving process during the last few months.

Well here I am two years down the line...

Faye's picture

Hi, it really helped reading through all the support two years ago....I hope maybe to find that agin, or at least to feel a little stronger by writing things down.....

Last time I wrote on here, my partner was in the process of moving back home after two weeks away at his 'other' house. He made promises to sell his own house, as I had already done. I explained that it made me feel insecure and it didn't feel like he had actually moved in with me, making a full commitment.

Started talking

Faye's picture

We talked last night for the first time but really just ended up arguing. He's not moving back as I've not agreed to that without counselling. I also told him he needs to sell his house as I feel insecure he has a bolt hole to run back to. He's really hurt me, I am thinking every time his kids start a conflict he will go running back to them over and over. At least he tells me he understands how I feel and that I was right about what I have been saying about his two being too needy and causing trouble between us, he sees them differently now he's spent almost two weeks living with them.