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Day 3

Faye's picture

Well I seem to have got into a routine of staying up till 2am ish watching tv collections (re runs) or on line. Then sleeping late and not getting dressed! As I'm off work until 2nd January I don't seem to have any structure at all.

I'm not beating myself up about this though and just relaxing and enjoying being lazy, with no arguments or stress it's actually quite nice. Also I know it's not forever.

I did drag myself out today for a walk through the park and quick look at the sales, where I treated myself to a few things. I also caught up with a few friends on the phone for a chat, and arranged to meet one for coffee tomorrow, after I have my nails done.

I'm looking after me! Ordered myself a Kindle too, and I'm looking forward to it arriving.

My 26 year old son is living here for the time being as he's not well and it is forcing me to cook, which I probably wouldn't have bothered to do. We enjoyed watching a couple of films together too. It's really nice to have the time to do this.

When I drove on to my drive getting home today my ex was walking away with the vacuum cleaner ( it was his). He completely ignored me and drove off. My first instinct was to text something telling him not to come here when I'm not home. But I rose above it and did nothing, actually feels good, I told myself I didn't care and not to let it get to me, and it worked.

I'm going to try and have an earlier night goodnight everyone (it's 10.15pm)