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Like clockwork

fedupstep's picture

Sd15 arrives tomorrow and dh is pissy and picking fights with me. This happens every time she comes. Every. Single. Time. I'm so tired of fighting with him up until the second she arrives and then be told to 'let it go'. Screw you dh. I will not put on a happy face when your precious train wreck arrives. Of course that will make me look like a raging bitch but I don't give a shit anymore. She hates me anyway. Thank god I was asked to babysit Saturday night. What you don't know is I'm leaving 2 hours early. Not that you'll notice since you always busy yourself when she's here so you don't need to spend any time with her. And once she's gone you'll snap back to being fine and wonder why I'm in a bad mood.

Does this happen to anyone else??? I can't handle his mood swings!


IslandGal's picture

It used to until I decided I wouldn't put up with it anymore, so I didn't. Whenever he'd bitch, gripe, moan and whinge, I'd try to ignore him at first, then I'd get mad if he carried on and pull him up on it. If we got into a fight, I'd leave and make sure he got to be the one to handle her.

Have you tried disengaging completely from her? Don't do absolutely ANYTHING for her - no cooking, cleaning, fussing after, caring for her etc - leave it all on him.

The big G's picture

I know its not the point, but it might be worth booking a spa weekend when skid arrives and let OH deal with it on his own.

The big G's picture

Its my 2 small girls that stop me doing it. Lotto win so we could afford the 2 houses would be excellent

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Yup FDH is like that when SD6 comes. He's a total overly sensitive jerk when she's around. He always wants to spend time with his "baby" but when she comes, he hangs on his computer about 85% of the time. Then he loves to get pissed at me when I correct her...not my fault your kid's a piece of work and you're not paying attention. I'm not letting that little bitch destroy my house and my sanity.