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My little witch of a SD11 just tried behind my back and calling her dad at work and asking him if she was on punishment that I put her on and had just not an hour before, expalined it to him and he agreed whole heartedly. Now on the phone with her, he says he does not know the whole situation????????, I blew my top and yelled at the both of them and told her that since she went behind my back and called him she was on punishment tomorrow also. And I would talk to him when He gets home TONITE. I am starting to hate being a step-mom and a freaking wife!!!!!


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Ay, that sucks! I would be pissed off if my skids did that and SO tells them he didn't know the whole situation when I have already explained it to him. In the past, depending on the situation, I have given him a call to let him know that one of the skids had been punished.

What did your SD do?


The funny thing is , she disobeyed him in the first place when he told her to turn off a video game last night and clean her room, she did not, and of course he never followed up on it. So in the mornings neither my son or her are allowed to play any video games or dvd's or any of that type of stuff before school, they are to get ready for school. and because she has not been able to focus on getting ready for school her dad even told her to not turn on her TV. So this morning she decides instead of getting ready for school, she plays video games. And when confronted about it she uses her old stand-by in baby talk no less of "I forgot". Then that turns into, I wasn't supposed to watch tv, so I thought I could play the game, or I couldn't play the game, so I thought I could listen to the mp3 player, She is that kind of child. It never stops with her and her father will tell me one thing, and say one thing to her in front of me and then take her off alone and tell her something else to make it okay. It's driving me crazy and I have already told him, if things don't change soon, He and her are out of here.

isadora's picture

I am so angry when my husband is manipulated by SD14. She is a brat and I really cannot stand her. I feel guilt because i don`t love her and then my husband makes me angry when he doesn`t stick by punishments.

justwantpeace2's picture

My sd got mad at me once because I wouldn't let her do what she wanted to do. She wanted to call her dad and I told her no because he was away on a job and I was told that we shouldn't call unless it was an emergency. Well, she decided that she was going to call him anyway, (she was 15) and so I just unplugged the phone! Whew!! I've never seen an atomic bomb go off in real life! So, I sent her to her room and told her that when her dad gets home, he can deal with her bad behavior!


Oh the saga continues...Today she has a "note" waiting for her dad when he gets home from work tonite telling him that she wants to go back and live with her unfit mother who she totally came to us on visits and cried and trashed the whole weekends. This child does not know how not to lie. She has totally played her mother against her father although her mother truly is unfit all that came out in court, but the way this child carried on during her weekend visits with us was just pitiful. Now that she is not able to manipulate everyone here, only her dad to a certain point, she is ready to go. And of course now, that she visits her mom on every other weekend, her mother is fabulous. Imangine that!!!