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When openening your heart and home goes WRONG!!!


After accepting my sd11 into my and my son's life and caring for her , nurturing her unconditionally, even after she lied on my son (it was proven in court) encouraged by her bm, I now learn that she is now lying again on me and about things in our home, again, encouraged by her bm who is trying to regain custody of her. But this time I am being proactive in the situation.

What would you do?


SD just got back from her EOW visit with her idiotic BM, this after telling her dad last week that she wanted to go back and live with the nut case even though the court found her unfit, cause she does not want to follow our rules. Today, my DH got a subpeona in the mail for the 11 yr old genius. Of course the Judge told both my DH and the BM that under no circumstances was the child to come to the court house again, yes she drug her there before trying to help her case. They could see that she was coached so well her mother could take Jim Zorns job.



My little witch of a SD11 just tried behind my back and calling her dad at work and asking him if she was on punishment that I put her on and had just not an hour before, expalined it to him and he agreed whole heartedly. Now on the phone with her, he says he does not know the whole situation????????, I blew my top and yelled at the both of them and told her that since she went behind my back and called him she was on punishment tomorrow also. And I would talk to him when He gets home TONITE. I am starting to hate being a step-mom and a freaking wife!!!!!

Just Venting


One of the many reasons my husband won custody of his daughter was because she was being neglected by her mother as far as her education was concerned. Let me preface this by saying I in no way think my way is best for anyone but me and my birth child, but it has worked and my husband has been around me long enough to understand the importance that I put on education. But, yes there is the but, Ever since she has been with us, he seems to be just as non-invovled as the mother must have been.