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Lack of Support From DH on Discipline

frustrated-mom's picture

Very annoyed with DH with weekend for not supporting my decisions on disciplining his younger son (SS7) when he’s not here.

Two weeks ago, I found mud all over the back hallway with little footprints. There could only be one culprit and I’ve warned him multiple times about tracking mud in the house. I confronted SS7 about the mud, he blamed my son (he wears shoes 4 sizes bigger). I told him he was grounded for lying and tracking mud in the house and told him to get a mop to clean it up. A little later, DH got back from running errands and told SS7 that he needed to get ready to go to his basketball game before I had a chance to tell him that SS7 was grounded.

I stopped SS7 as he was trying to sneak out before I could tell his dad that he was grounded. SS7 started whining, and instead of backing me up, DH told him he could go since he had cleaned up the mud. We’ve always had the agreement that whatever I say goes and vice verse with our kids. But he completely ignores that I grounded SS7 and let him go.

This weekend, DH had to go into work to cover for a guy who had at heart attack, so I was home with the boys.

SS7 had a taekwondo belt test on Saturday that DH said he would take him to. All that morning, he was a hyperactive little brat and the last thing I wanted to do was waste all afternoon driving him to his belt test and back. So I told he couldn’t go because his dad let him out of being grounded last week, so he was going to serve it this week.

I wanted to make sure to enforce the grounding since if I didn’t, why would SS7 or SS9 do anything I say if they knew their dad could completely overrule me?

We live about 1-2 hours away (depending on traffic) from their BM’s town, which is where his taekondo school is, so it’s a major imposition asking anyone to drive him that far.

BM called DH’s cell phone asking why SS7 wasn’t at the belt test (she was there waiting for him) so I got a call from DH and explained to him about SS7 being punished. He got all pissed off about it.

SS7 and SS9 sign up for all these sports and activities that are on weekends and then expect DH to drive them to them while they’re here. They have no appreciation for this, they expect it. I want to get it through their thick skulls that going to activities is a privilege they need to earn and they need to respect their parent’s time. I barely have any time for myself and I’m suppose to spend over 4 hours taking him to a stupid karate class?

I hoped that having to wait another 3 months to test for his yellow belt teach SS7 a valuable lesson. But no, his BM threw a fit and got the instructor to schedule a private belt test for him on Friday.

I know his taekwondo school checks report cards and any bad behavior at school or at home can result in kids getting in trouble there or not being able to get certain rewards (including belt tests). I would love to call them up and tell them about how SS7 should not be able to take his belt test because he has been a terror at his dad’s home. But I’m a stepmom, my opinion doesn’t matter, even to DH.


New Mama's picture

I know EXACTLY what you're going thru. I've been thru the exact same thing with DH and DH's mother (BM abandoned SS7 long ago and DH's mother has all but taken her place). I disengaged a few weeks ago. I told DH and SS7 that I was disengaging and why and I gave them several instances like yours. SS7 was happy that the mean step-monster wouldn't discipline him. And DH was determined to show me it's not so hard.... Now DH is so stressed out from SS7's bad behavior that our relationship is rocky. He disciplines and to no avail, SS7's behavior is gettnig worse. As of last weekend I am re-engaged to try to help but DH is still handling 90% of the responsibility and 100% of the discipline. DH is finally starting to see why I'm so frustrated.

thefunmommy's picture

I would flat out tell DH that if he won't back me with discipline, I won't be available to help with the kids, ESPECIALLY driving all that way for something fun they didn't earn.

bestwife's picture

You did not have to "ground" him to get out of driving him for hours and hours - but no problem that you did.

If I were you I would just laugh at the thought you would spent 4+ getting little creature to and from his activities - even if he'd been the perfect little boy all week.

Four hours is a BIG deal. I don't put four hours into any activity without a lot of thought.

If BM wants to sign him up for all this stuff then she can come and get him.