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Does this happen to anyone else and how to handle it?

Gana's picture

My DH has custody of his teenage boys and we buy them all their school clothes, sneakers jeans and everything.
So they got ready in the morning and that afternon they were going to their BM for the weekend and they wore the brand new jeans to school and then went to her house after school on Fri for the weekend. So when DH went to pick them up on Sunday he said called and reminded them to have their clothes and they came out and told him their BM couldn't find them they weren't there. Their mom told them they didn't wear anything from our house to her house. So he said told them they were because of wearing them on Fri and they said they would check when they visit her again so they went to visit again and she said they weren't there and she told them that I have a pair of shorts (which SS and I checked and they are not there) that belongs at her house. I SEND BACK EVERYTHING DOWN TO THE SOCKS CLEAN AND IS READY FOR THEM TO TAKE THE NEXT TIME THEY GO TO THEIR BM. Is she doing this on purpose or why don't she have them? I can't understand should I handle this because it really bothers me??


Kb3Hooah's picture


Gana's picture

They had clothes from her house on so I washed all the clothes and Sunday and they were in a bag and ready to go back.. Sometimes they do wear clothes back on Sunday from our house that they wear on Fri but sometimes she says they are dirty after almost a week and they come back two weeks later...mind you it is only her and her friend so I don't know the deal..

RustyHalo's picture

I am so glad we don't have THIS problem on top of everything else. My skids have a room here full of clothes and they wear things from their mom's to our house and it gets washed and folded and put away and the same goes for BM's house. Neither party "withholds" any clothing. The only issues we have is when Team uniforms are forgotten at one another's house and there's the mad dash to go get them.

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

starfish's picture

day i did as middlemom did, but now the skids are older and i have just decided f's a never ending battle.. b/c they always take the brand new nice stuff i buy them home to BM's and come back in rags or sd12 in slutty stuff i would never allow........just let it go --- what can you do about it -- i ask them to bring the stuff back and it falls on deaf ears..... just quit buying them nice stuff --- just the basics that they need- that's what i have decided after they did the same exact thing with school clothes this year...... i've decided if they can't at least look decent (since i do provide them with clothes to look decent) i just will not take them places with me...... i am sm, but they look like bio kids from afar--- same hair/eyes

MeanOleMe's picture

We do not have this problem, but here is my thinking... If the boys are teens they should be responsible enough to take care of and keep track of there things. They lost their new school pants? Ohh well.. when they lose all of their new clothes, they will be wearing the ones from last year. Maybe a few months of high waters will make them a little more responsible. Natural consequences are sometimes the best lesson.

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours" Wayne Dyer

Gana's picture

Thanks Starfish...I just have to let it go...I just feel I go out and pick out nice clothes for school so they can look cool and they leave the stuff at her house and come back with clothes that are old and dirty looking. You should see their socks how black they come back and they are brand new from our house. They SKS live with us so I try my best to buy them clothes that they would like and it only gets ruined or it just doesn't come back. I just can't understand why she is imploring in their heads that the brand new jeans I just bought are not at her house and I know they are..

MollyBee's picture

We wash and send SD back in the clothes she came in on Friday. HOWEVER: FH bought SD a VERY nice pair of earrings for valentines day that she really wanted. They both magically dissapeared out of her ears while sleeping never to be found again at BM's house. But when she is here for 2 weeks at a time she wears the same pair of earrings the entire time with NO problems. BM's just like to play petty games, not realizing that its the children that they are hurting. We have learned to never let SD take anything nice from our house to her mother's house.

Gana's picture

Thanks..I think you are all right...the skids are old enough to take responsibility..I just hate it when the BM makes me look like the crazy one in telling them that I have to be wrong and she doesn't send stuff back which I do..even the underwear and socks. Clean as a whistle. I even sent back a $1.00 tupperware container that the kids brought cookies home in. Again, I just hate being made to be the bad guy for asking for the clothes..

bioandstep2009's picture

She could be doing it out of spite. Who knows! I agree with the posters who've said to let it go. They are old enough to keep track of THEIR clothes. I emphasize "THEIR" because the way I see it, the clothes don't belong to the household, but rather to the kid. This is a foreign concept to our BM who only has SS9 EOW and has what appears to be a full wardrobe of clothes for him at her house, which he is "not allowed" to take from her house to ours. She buys him clothes EOW and then says that he can't take them to wear them to school over here. To me, she's only punishing and spiting SS9 by withholding his clothes and only allowing him to wear some of the on the EOW visits with her. I don't care if he leaves the clothes we buy over at her house. The only time it was an issue was when all of his long sleeved shirts and long pants were left at her house and he needed them for school when it got colder. And that was a need issue, not a territorial issue. I've been tempted to mark the labels to keep track but honestly, I don't give a rat's a$$.

amy257's picture

We no longer worry or make an issue of it. Both kids have clothes at each house and wear them as the wish. What they are wearing on transfer days is not necessarily returned. They might wear it back at some point, they might not. We used to make an issue of this and it was really bothering and stressing the kids so we stopped. It still bothers us some as we know we "lose" of a lot of their nice clothes and sometimes never see them again, but don't want to create any more tension. Bottom line is their clothes are their clothes. Yes, we spend more money on clothes and buy more clothes than BM, but have just had to accept that. BM is cheap, but we don't want the kids to be caught in the middle of this.

frustrated stepmom's picture

BM does the same exact thing in my situation!!! My husband and I buy tons of clothes (both school and non-school), socks, underwear, undershirts and they magically disappear when they enter the time warp of BMs house. She always says that the only clothes there are the ones she bought. That's completely impossible when my husband and I drop the kids off at school or her house and they're wearing the clothes we bought. I stay on top of the laundry and the kids have to keep their rooms clean so it's not like the clothes are shoved somewhere and I'm overlooking them. I don't have an issue with the non-school clothes but I do with the school clothes because by the end of 2 weeks almost all of the clothes have found their way to BMs house. My main thing is I don't see why I should have to constantly do small loads of laundry to keep the kids in clean school clothes when my house purchased so many. One of the kids even took underwear from our house to BMs house because he "didn't have any clean" apparently they never do laundry Smile There clothes are definitely their clothes but I'm tired of running laundry because she's keeping it all of their clothes that we purchased at her house. If she purchased more clothes for them then there wouldn't be a problem because both households would have enough clothes, you know?

Jsmom's picture

New here -
We have 50/50 custody and each house is supposed to provide their own clothes. We however seem to buy more clothes and the "cooler" clothes. Mom buys a few things but nothing compared to what we buy. Our problem is SD13 tries to sneak clothes over to her moms. House rules are you don't take anything over there on Mom's week because it never is seen again. She tries to sneak into our house on Mom's week and take over the new stuff. Countless things have never been seen again. Just fought with her on Monday about this. I don't get involved, but she waited until she knew her Dad was out of the house and tried to get a new shirt. I said NO she called me names and I told her to leave. Let the drama begin. BM said she didn't see the problem when DH told her what happened.

Of course not, she never buys much so it is great for her if we supply everything. The clothes they wear over we can't do anything about. But we are not going to allow a bag to be packed with more stuff. Last month it was all the hair care products I had just picked up for her. Caught that one as the bag was going out the door. Dad did and flipped out. $40 dollars worth of Personal care products we would never see again and have to replace the following week. DH gets frustrated with ex and tries to explain to her to no avail. We just look like we are mean.

frustrated stepmom's picture

The same thing happens with hair care products disappearing from our house. I purchased a $15 bottle of hair wax stuff for my older skid and he took it to BMs because the cheap crap she purchased doesn't hold his hair and he had pictures that week...I've never seen the stuff again. She refuses to purchase him better products and of course now claims the stuff isn't at her house. This circle will never end. I'm just praying for the day to come when the skids decide they want to live here full time so I don't have to keep buying double of everything! Smile

Gana's picture

That's exactly how I feel..That we are the mean ones. She doesn't buy nothing deodorant, contact solution, hair gel nothing. I buy it and they take it to her house. I get so mad but when we tell her to send things back it doesn't and I harp on the Skids about it make sure you bring this back and make sure you bring that back..and I'm mad to be the bad guy. So I have to take advice from everyone on here to just let it go and if they don't have it to wear they maybe they will learn to pack it on their own if not I'm sooo tired of wasting my energy on BM..Thanks for all the great advice.. I'm glad to see what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.

frustrated stepmom's picture

I wish you were our BM!! hahaha Smile I will scribble down what clothes we're "missing" and send it over to BMs house only to be told they are "unable to be found". In the last year at least $80 worth of clothing has gone "missing" and I keep all the receipts to prove what was purchased. I just wish she would hold herself accountable for items that go "missing" from her house. We have never asked that the clothes be returned clean either. We always say they can come back clean OR dirty, mainly because she buys some of the nastiest smelling laundry detergent in the history of laundry detergents and I always rewash the clothes anyway. My husband and I think that her SS is wearing them and "accidently" taking them back to his BMs house. I'll trade the BM in our situation for you anytime Smile haha