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had no idea a support type group existed for this

gettinggrayhair's picture

I am new to this site and am relieved to know I am not alone. but makes me think.....are we too hard on the situation? I am thinking no, because I spend more time feeling angry and depressed and I never used to be. I read about all the 4 year olds and 7 year olds. My SD is now 11, I met her when she just turned 8. Even neighbors tried to warn me that what this little girl wants, she gets. I never even said anything remotely negative either. I guess they just saw how she ran to daddy to fix everything. He'd run down the street to protect her from name calling when she is the bully. Other parents would catch her at stuff but by the time she reached home, the story changed and she was the victim. I have watched this go on for over 3 years now. I too dread vacations because everything has to be about her. My husband will walk out of the room when he becomes exhausted so that others are left to entertain her. she refuses to be home by herself for an hour before school and other family members have to come sit with her until she leaves. Did I mention she is in the 6th grade? Any time I have tried to point out things to my husband that could be worked on with her or point out all the lies, he tells me i just don't like her and that she is just a little kid. He says I need to give her a break. She hit someone a little kid on a quad with daddy's railcar this weekend and daddy just gave them $100 and she lied her way out of it with daddy and said she never hit the kid. He never talked to her about the accountability of what she did. in fact, he never had a conversation with her. My friend did because I am too scared to confront her and upset my husband. She is the cause of 90% of our arguments and I am exhausted. The last time he said I just don't like her, he said it so she could hear. of course, this just makes things even better.
Seriously....getting gray hairs.


gettinggrayhair's picture

My blanket statement isn't derogatory in anyway it is just a question I ask myself (out of guilt) But as i get more angry, I realize the answer to my question is no. example in sentence #2 of my post.

You are right, most of it is out of guilt, and just plain denial. Meanwhile, no real lessons get taught to the SD and I am torn between trying to step in and teach her outside of her father's awareness or actually stepping out. and we have our own child together. This is how exhausted I am.

I dread the fact that we have SD for 90% of the time. I can't even enjoy my own 2 year old after a long day of work, because I have to hear her constant cackling and making every situation be about her. I'm overwhelmed.

thanks for responding Smile

on the fence's picture

She's the cause of only 90% of your arguments? You're doing alright!

LOL! Yep, most of us have that going for us. If it's not the skids it's the BM.

sm2bd's picture

Oh, boy! My story exactly! Except my SD is almost 13 and acts that way! And we have her 6 out of 7 days!

gettinggrayhair's picture you speak up in front of husband or just keep quiet when red flags and manipulatin goes off? If mine would be ok with me speaking up then we wouldn't even argue later about things. If I speak up, he overcompensates and babies her afterwards like I was just so mean. and I am alot harsher with my 14year old. My SD even stole a necklace of mine and when I told my husband it was her, she ran upstairs and threw it on the bedroom floor to pretend I had just dropped it earlier. My husband yelled at me for thinking she did it. but she finally admitted it. An hour later he was rolling around on OUR bedroom floor with my husband laughing and giggling. I asked why he was doing this and she wasn't punished in any way. He said "because kids shouldn't go to bed upset" so once again she was the victim and everybody else is just so out of line.