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I do NOT believe this!!

giveitago's picture

DH is doing chemo. SS 19 is living here, has been borrowing money from his dad right and left and has not repaid a single dime. SS occupies the laundry room for days at a time, leaves his dishes lying dirty and is currently got his stuff spread over Three rooms in the house. I get a little aggravated by it all.
It's a rule that the first paycheck is their own, often it's a partial pay period and it's a feel good thing for kids to have a paycheck, right?
I broached the issue with DH yesterday about a reasonable amount of rent for SS to be paying, and repaying what he owes. I do not want to leave the kid broke! DH is not going to charge him anything at all??
Last night DH and I came in to a disgusting sink filled with pots, utensils, RICE and VEG! I pointed it out to DH and DH went ahead and cleaned it up? Then DH was cleaning out the bird cage (it's huge) and he was huffing and puffing so I suggested that he ask SS to help him....OMG you'd think I'd asked for a kidney!! Then DH stayed up and dealt with SS's laundry? I am at a total loss here, I know disengagement is hard but to watch my husband struggling, while doing chemo, with what is SS's responsibility is just too hard to bear and not say something. World war three erupted! I am still not willing to speak to DH and I am sick and tired of it all somehow becoming my fault. I am such a bitch, it would seem, and I have a vendetta against the boy? I just do not want to come home to that crap when there's no need for it! I left the sink clean.
I already know that DH can 'persuade/cajole' the boy to 'help' if he wants to, soooo really...why am I even upset? I am disengaged, right? Sometimes, though, DH will battle on, and on, like the good enabler that he is, and it's hard to watch and do/say nothing. I am an idiot, you'd think I'd learn by now huh? I still feel like I am being subdued into silence whenever I mention anything about SKids though, disengaging seems now like the coward's way out, maybe next time I will challenge the boy and if he disrespects me then I'll deal with him and tell DH to butt out and mind his own business! I am not doing the dishes, nor am I going to deal with the refrigerator shelf that is on the counter, DH put it there for some bizzare reason? I am not going to kow tow to passive aggressive bullshit.


giveitago's picture

It's NOT in my remit to pick up after a 19 year old, It's NOT in my remit to pick up after a 19 year old, it's NOT in my remit to pick up after a 19 year old. It's entirely up to DH what he does from now on, as much as I love him he is so damned stubborn...whereas I am resolute! I am damned if I will do those dishes for iether of them now...I'll not even ask them if they 'have those'. SS 19 needs to be in his own place! I am done tolerating him and his disrespect and downright sociopathic behaviors. It almost did me in watching DH struggle but I got zero for my offers of help and suggestions soooooo damn both of them today!

Jsmom's picture

I would make sure that kid knows that if something happens to DH, that he is out on his ass and it would behove him to make you happy and clean up after himself and start banking some money to get the hell out. Bet you anything he is letting everyone think that he is staying with you to help DH through this difficult time....

giveitago's picture

You know what? I think you are absolutely correct, Jsmom, he moved from here to a friend's house because I am such a bitch. They asked him for rent and he moved back in with his psycho mother! Back to friends' and then back here?? Hmmm I just wish DH would get his head out of his ass and recognize this shit for what it is! DH is so far up SS's ass that one day, and I am not proud of this by any means, I told him 'why don't you just suck his dick while you are down there kissing his ass!'

Jsmom's picture

If I were you, I would wait until your husband is out of the house and then have a real heart to heart with kid. He listens and you tell him that he better stop being a pain in the ass, because if something happens to his dad you are fully protected and will be sure his ass is on the curb....Say it blunt and then walk away....Doubt he would say anything to your husband, since he will be ashamed....

giveitago's picture

I wish a concience factored in on this one...seriously! DH and I leave together and arrive home again together. I go to bed early so that leaves time for SKids to spend with their dad because they are late bedders. DH will not expire because of that brat, I'll make damned sure of it! If something did happen to his dad he'd move on to his grandma, he knows I do not play! Once as a kid he asked me for money and I told him what I'd require him to do and he says I drive too hard a bargain and went off looking for easier pickings. If I say something he wears his dad down with foul language and bitches about me...errrr how helpful is that to an ailing dad? Little bastid will get what's coming to him...for sure!

giveitago's picture

I wish a concience factored in on this one...seriously! DH and I leave together and arrive home again together. I go to bed early so that leaves time for SKids to spend with their dad because they are late bedders. DH will not expire because of that brat, I'll make damned sure of it! If something did happen to his dad he'd move on to his grandma, he knows I do not play! Once as a kid he asked me for money and I told him what I'd require him to do and he says I drive too hard a bargain and went off looking for easier pickings. If I say something he wears his dad down with foul language and bitches about me...errrr how helpful is that to an ailing dad? Little bastid will get what's coming to him...for sure!