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SS 19, yet again!

giveitago's picture

I wrote out a rant and it did not post? LOL maybe just as well.
The boy wants to freeload, then he wants out of here? He was moving to his friend's house nearby where he works, that did not pan out. Then his older half brother and BM#1 decided they wanted to live here again, SS 19 helped with the move and was going to live with them. They asked SS for rent...that seems to be the catalyst for SS moving on. Since he's turned down two opportunities, actually four in total but two were before he came back here, he now has to pay rent here...I INSIST!! DH agrees with me (pick me up because that feather duster knocked me down) and as of next paycheck $200 comes to us.
DH wants SS to repay him the $1,000+ that he owes too, we got him brand new tools for the job he does, which were necessary and first paycheck is usually partial so we subsidised him until he got a full paycheck. There were promises to repay, usual bullcrap. DH is cutting him loose on the vehicle insurance too. The cell phone is a plan and we'd incur cancellation fees but we can make him finacially responsible for it via the phone company.
I was all for SS paying his way here, to teach him how to manage money if nothing else. I would have set the money aside, I am not strapped for cash that I'd need to use it. Even if I did use it, it's swings and roundabouts anyhow.