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If I find any laundry belonging to SS again

giveitago's picture

there will be huge trouble. He's been asked, warned and threatened, by his dad too, that occupying the laundry room for days is totally unnaceptable. I can see DH's point that it's a trivial issue that he really cannot be bothered with when he's on chemo and I really do not like when it happens but I am damned if I am going to just allow SS to disrespect us and our home just because it's not a 'major' thing. In case DH had not noticed, they get away with minor stuff and it leads them to want to get away with more and more major SD is doing! DH kicked her out, her twin brother might be close on her heels.
There is very little positive to say about that boy, he's working and is a volunteer that I mean he hangs out at the firehouse and plays video games! He changed jobs recently, pays no rent, contributes nothing towards the household and if he's asked to do anything he has 'no time' or is on his way out the door. DH pays his cell phone (family plan) and his vehicle insurance, mainly because it's so expensive for a 19 year old to have his own policy, but SD gives his dad NOTHING! Still owes over $1,000 to his dad. It's not the money, by any means, it's the attitude of disrespect and self absorbed bullshit that annoys me. Money comes and goes. I know that SS will not come and ask me where his laundry went, I feel bad for DH but this has to stop somewhere. DH was still shielding him a month ago and demanded to know where I put the boy's stuff. I mean business and I am not going to be railroaded, DH says he cannot be bothered then I will tell him that's all the more reason why SS should have a more respect!
I have a feeling, though, that SS will still sneak his laundry in while we are out and about...What's to be done?


simifan's picture

I'd throw it away, but StepAside has the right idea. You have bigger problems to worry about. Get rid of it and let it go. Save your strength for the bigger fight.

giveitago's picture

I put it in the tool trailer outside. I calmly told SS that he may not do his laundry here again. My stupid concience would not let me put the stuff in the trash?!
This issue has been going on for a long time and I just had enough, DH told him last September that he'd be looking for somewhere else to do his laundry and the same shit kept happening. The boy has no regard whatsoever for anyone but himself, this is selfish in the extreme, DH put SS's twin sister out of our house for her disrespect and I believe that the boy is headed the same journey.
I have laundry every day for DH and I, household linens and bedding every day (DH has boils, because of the chemo, so stuff has to be washed more often) and I really do not have time to mess around with the boy, he does his laundry elsewhere!
I am letting it go, I even gave the boy the last word...hehehe.