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Looking for understanding

goingcrazy101's picture

my cuurent issue as of late is that my fiance's BM just doesnt seem to ever go away, even if she is not here. At times I feel like I am the one acting childish but this woman will not go away, yet will not allow him to be an actual father to their daughter. A bit of background: When I first met her she was nice. When we told her that I was expecting she found a crib for us. She and I talked alot and had issues with his other BM due to her taking the boys away. (After my fiance moved in the boys came to visit and the day after she pickked them up she saud they were not coming back bc I looked at her funny. Later she stated she wanted more money then she would allow them to see him. He paid more then she said she wanted him to get them health insurance. He got the insurance, but still no boys. He told her that we had a son, she then replied you will have to pry them from my dead body. This BM is a whole other drama filled story.) Back to the first BM, after I had our son she visited alot. She seemed to be fine until his daughter was made about him falling asleep during the day, due to him being up with the new baby. She actually called me and told me that I needed to figure out a way for their daughter not to get upset about his sleeping. I decided to be the one who took care of our new son during the nights. I put his daughters feeling first and found myself getting no sleep 7 days a week instead of getting my two nights of rest on the weekends. A few weeks later we were informed by the BM that his sisters fiance was killed (why did she inform us? why did his family inform her and not us?) we all decided to make the trek to another state for the funeral. I then found out that she was also coming. This was the first time I was going to meet his 4 other sibilings. It was bad enough it had to be bc of a funeral but then she had to be there. She spent more time with his family then he did that weekend. She was always there in their faces. I totally felt like I didnt belong there, she also brought her husband with. She left my fiance for him, why would she bring him around his family? She continuously offends me. I usually try to ignore it for my fiance sake, but I got so upset a few weeks later that I confronted her. She astually got mad at me and blamed me for all of the issues and called me a drama queen. I just want to be in a relationship with my fiance not with her and her husband as well. Why does she have to be seen all the time? Why cant she allow me to get to know his family? His family even has her listed as their sister on fb. I feel like I will never be accepted by his family because she will always be there to stop it. Ugh!!! what do I do? How do I move forward in this relationship? I am actually considering leaving him due to her actions. Its hit or miss if we get to see his daughter. She only comes over when the BM doesnt have something planned for her, and if she is mad at him about something or feels like their daughter likes being here more we dont get to see her for 3 weeks. Someone please give me some advice on how to handle/deal with this.


HadEnoughx5's picture

You and DH need to come up with some boundaries and DH needs to understand your feelings in this whole situation.

First, you have a child together and if he needs to get up in the middle of the night to help raise this child, then so be it. If this child belonged to one of the other BM's, would they be losing sleep for the sake of the other children being upset because Daddy fell asleep, ah no, because those BM's would be wanting the help too.

Conduct your home with skids and your child as if this is your home and family. BM's can not dictate how your home is ran.

As far as more money and insurance...those are legal issues and that BM has no right to be "black mailing" him to see his children. Get a lawyer.

The situation with the BM's being in his family dynamics, he needs to set some boundaries with his family. His family probably doesn't want to lose contact with the grandkids, so they're walking on egg shells to keep their BM's happy for now. I think SO needs to tell his family that they need to make room for you as well and that he has moved on and is very happy with you.

If he gets no respect on that, then he needs to figure out what is healthy for himself and his new family. If he can't, don't go there to visit, he'll figure it out.

goingcrazy101's picture

Thank you everyone for your advise and ideas. I have decided to only acknowledge the BM when when the SD is concerned. If she feels its neccesary to try and out do me to his family she can go right ahead. It has gotten to the point where she is more of a family member to them then he is. He has been dealing with this for 10 years, since they separated. The fact of the matter is she has some strange issue with be more apart of his family then him. If his family allows it, it's their loss. They are missing out on their sons/brothers life for a vindictive woman. There is no custody agreement just a child support order. At times I feel like he does not want there to be but then again we can barely get buy month to month so I understand that he cannot afford a lawyer. I love him and if this is what his life is going to be like, I need to figure out away to accept it so we can continue to grow a stronger relationship. One that I want to last.