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The Babbling Blonde

GreenerPastures's picture

Anyone heard of this site? She has a few articles about step mothering and even about being a step mom in a high conflict situation but it seems like her advice is always off the mark. I read two of her articles and it just seems like she understands high conflict step parenting but then blames the step mom or offers unrealistic step mom advice. 

Here's what I read, tell me what you think:


Cover1W's picture

Drivel. Not reading a word more. It only took one paragraph. She cannot be a SM, it reads like a BMs wet dream.

GreenerPastures's picture

At first I thought she was a Bio Dad writing the article but when I read the article was written by Beth I was totally taken aback. 

Kes's picture

and in the first few paras she seemed to be suggesting that step mothers should be contributing financially towards their partner's spawn.  I never have, and couldn't read any further with the first article I was so disgusted. 

GreenerPastures's picture

I really didn't like that her 'test' was "would it matter if it were your bios?" No it wouldn't matter because those are my children that I have responsibility toward.

Monkeysee's picture

Total cack. Has clearly drunk the social media ‘bonus mom’ bullsh*t & wants to ram it down as many throats as possible. Gag 

GreenerPastures's picture

Yes! I can't believe this is what passes for step mom advice. I guess if you dont want to become the internet's next villain this is what you say.

Babbling_blonde's picture

Wow, thanks for the free publicity. It’s good to know this is a place where people bash other people’s hard work when they’re trying to be kind and make a difference. I hope you all don’t stumble across a place where others do this to you.

Monkeysee's picture

This is the internet.  You are free to post your opinions, and we are free to post ours.  Unlike you, we aren't taking our opinion to your site.  We're posting it to ours.  If you don't like that, maybe don't post your opinion on the internet?

Also, newsflash. People do this to SM's every freaking day.  That's why this site exists, so that people like us have somewhere to vent.  Every day there's drivel & garbage shoved down our throats about how we're 'supposed' to behave as SP's, SM's in particular, and very few places we can go where we can discuss our lives and circumstances with people who actually understand where we're coming from. 

But again, if you don't like our opinions, then either don't post them or simply don't come to this site!

ESMOD's picture

If you are truly the person that wrote that article.. then you have some really ODD ideas about how life should work with a blended family.

In no way, shape or form is a step parent OBLIGATED to support their stepchild.  They don't have to sacrifice their finances so that the little darling can go to private school or join "pay for play" fake sport teams.  If a step parent wants to spend THEIR money on their nails or hair extensions.. that is their prerogative.

Of course, many step parents DO contribute financially to things that involve their stepkids.  But it's a completely voluntary choice.. not an obligation.  I, myself, paid medical bills, paid for vacations and meals out and clothing for my stepkids.  I could afford to do it... and my stepdaughters were respectful kids that for the most part were not problems for our household.  To this day, we take my YSD on vacation with us because she is a lovely young woman who is a pleasure to be around and is fun.

Unfortunately, most of what you write seems to come from the basic premise of "everything for the kids.. they are the MOST important... followed by keeping the EX happy so as to not cause problems."  Gee... wonder why my DH's EX never thought about not coming at US with a chip on her shoulder.  Wonder why she actually became more high conflict and made things hard on her daughter when I did nice things for them.  Wonder why she felt she had the power to try to rule OUR home?  Wonder why she still felt she had rights to not only my DH's income.. but MINE as well?  The words "Just have your wife pay for this.. I need it".. came out of her mouth on many occasions.  And these weren't even things for the kids.. they were for HER!!! 

Unfortunately, steplife isn't instagram ready.  It's hard.. it's exhausting at times.. and sometimes it is rewarding.. but this site is a place where step parents who are dealing with some pretty horrid situations can come and ask advice and sometimes just VENT.  Sure... some people on here are petty and make mountains out of molehills.. but others are dealing with some real hard stuff and your version of steplife is not at all accurate and your advice would be worthless to them.

By all means.. stick around though... and pitch in your 2cents when you feel you can add value.

GreenerPastures's picture

You followed the links here from the analytics of your site. You came here deliberately then made an account here. Im not sure what the problem is. If your brand of step parenting is getting out to the public then thats good for you and your bottom line. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

If you weren’t married to someone with kids, you might be getting your nails done every two weeks. But now sometimes that money might need to go toward gymnastic classes or guitar lessons instead.


What a crock of shite! I stopped reading that tripe at that point. MY money NEVER needs to go toward ANYTHING skid-related. Period.Dot. The sole exception would be if DH was flat broke and the skid was starving. I would not deny that basic need. Gymnastic classes, guitar lessons, cell phones, lip piercings, green hair, designer ANYthing... None of that is a NEED. That jackwad is completely delusioonal.

justmakingthebest's picture

Exactly! As a bio mom and SM:

If the kids take the expensive clothes to the other house and leave them there, they get replaced with walmart clothes. Not the expensive ones again. This is about responsibility. Maybe next time leave the walmart clothes and come back with the good ones! 

And dad's will spend $50 to avoid an tantrum! HELLO that is what so many of us here go crazy with! Dinsey freaking Dads! Just stop and actually parent. 

tog redux's picture

I have to say, I agree with some of her points in the second article about harmful things stepmothers do.  I did some of them and I regret it now, it wasn't helpful. 

*runs and hides*

GreenerPastures's picture

My beef with the second article is that it just furthers evil step mom stereotypes. As a step mom, that's not what I'm reading for. From those two articles its like the audience is BDs and BMs that want to read about a SM admitting to being evil. 

shamds's picture

My husbands exwife stole money out of personal savings accounts of my husband during the divorce, she bled him dry to fund her “living the high life lifestyle”. 

She appears to be struggling financially and has guilted her adult daughter to pressure daddy to pay money indefinitely. So if she wastes all that money which was to care for her kids and these kids are left with nothing, does according to babbling blonde means any of my hard earned retirement money should go to skids to enjoy when they have referred to me as a stranger?? Of course not!! That’s absurd 

if skids are so pathetic and don’t make an effort to get a job, should that mean i should fund their lifestyle? Of course not.

often skids come in with the war martyr complex and seek to destroy their stepparents relationship at all costs..

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Babbling blonde does not take into account that everybody’s situation is different, and that men and women’s brains are biologically hardwired to work differently. She does not take into account toxic in laws, or dealing with people with personality disorders. She does not take into account the extreme stress we can all endure, and that family dynamics are very different if there are one or two children vs five or six kids (I’m not saying more is more difficult don’t blast me for that, I’m just saying different. One difficult skid can be way more difficult than six kids). 

GreenerPastures's picture

Thanks for visiting with us Babbling Blonde. I do sincerely hope that your foray into the other side of step parenting was enlightening. I'm not sure how you are going to use this experience because your first post seemed like you wanted to attack us (nothing new). I guess we will wait for the post you write about us.

For future reference for the rest of us steppers, I'm sure Babbling Blonde got here by following the back link that went from my link to her website OR read her site analytics to see where her traffic comes from. Unfortunately this is how the internet works. Since we read the blog it would have showed on her analytics and thus she created an account here. This probably wouldn't be an issue for huge sites. Maybe we can get some free publicity and more step parents in similar situations can seek some real relief.

shamds's picture

Nowhere does it mention holding the bio mum accountable financially for her kids. The blame is laid on stepmum instead.

So if bio mum got a massive divorce settlement and alimony and child support to financially be responsible to care for “HER” bio kids, but chooses not to because she is a hcgubm, narcissist, pas aggressor, personality disordered etc, she instead keeps that money to go on shopping sprees, get her nails and hair done, buy designer goods but lets hers kids wear clothes and pants with holes and rips in, refuses to buy school supplies but instead tells the kids its because daddy doesn’t give money when the reality is daddy is the only one with a job giving money to pay for this, why on earth should a stepmum be responsible for these costs. 

How about holding these bio parents responsible instead of passing the blame onto stepparents who “by law are not financially responsible for skids ever!!”

my husbands exwife has kept the monthly child support payments and guilted eldest sd23 to care for sd14 after kidnapping them 6 yrs ago and played the innocent game. She has not worked in 25 yrs but instead expects exhubby to pay for everything for the kids. She does not see herself at all responsible and these skids guild and manipulate daddy for money constantly, they are never appreciative whatsoever. 

In a couple of years when both my toddlers are in fulltime school, i will have finished my university studies and be working fulltime, me and my husbands income will be significantly higher and especially me working overseas where my currency  is 3 times more than hubbys country, our way of life is higher, no skid will guilt or manipulate me or hubby into giving them more money because we live a better quality of life. 

That better quality of life exists because i got off my arse to get a job, because i am from a western country that has a higher valued currency. My kids will live a better higher quality of life but no skid will guilt their half siblings for this. Its the nature of having parents from different countries, all people are different..

i’m proud to say any of my retirement/superannuation savings are strictly to be split equally with my bio kids only... i stress my skids do not contribute to my quality of life, instead they significantly contribute to me not having a quality of life

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

lets all read babbling blondes post when step child reaches their kids to late teens. More than likely she will end up a regular poster 

Livingoutloud's picture

I read one sentence and laughed so hard I just could not even read more.

Apparently after marrying a man with kids I might have to sacrifice my manicure for skids gymnastic classes. Say what???

First of all why marry a man so broke that he needs my money for kids classes? Second of all why marry a man so my life style would get worse than before? Third of all why isnt it moms and dads responsibility to pay for kids classes? Why is it mine all of a sudden?

Sure some women are desperate and take on destitute men and then support them and the kids. But that’s not the norm. Most women wouldn’t enter marriage with that kind of nonsense. Make your life worse, not better? What for? Most certainly I’d stay single. WTF