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grow-a-nut's Blog

Step related and a perfect love story

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SO I vowed to never date another man with kids and have really stuck to it. I work as a cashier in a convenience store and for some reason men seem to think that I want to date them if I am nice to them. So I get a lot of phone numbers. I always throw them away as soon as they leave. I NEVER give my number out.

Dumbassery and assholery abundant ::Very off topic::

grow-a-nut's picture

I am sorry but I know many of you live with entitled kids. Lemme tell you, it's not just kids. Holy Cow!

I work at a convenience store. A very busy one at that. We also have car washes Diablo of them, two are automatic. HUGE money makers, BTW.

I live in the northern part of IL. It was a beautiful day today so the car washes were very busy. Most people reported that they were in line for 30 to 45 minutes before they got in. SO

For those who left. What next? What are you doing in your life now?

grow-a-nut's picture

4 more days and I am at my 1 year anniversary of walking out on my hubby. I've been reflecting a lot lately about what the net chapter in my life should be.

Do you date? How long after the split did you start?

I looked at a lot of factors in my recent life and decided dating is not for me at this time. Which leads to the next question, what about sex? Is a FWB relationship ok providing that both parties set ground rules and expectations before a physical relationship starts?

One year I'm free. Thank you Stalkers.

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I rarely post but do read every day. Numerous times a day in fact. I just want to say thank you for being here for me even if I am not well known.

In 9 days I will have been separated from my husband for one year. It has been the best year I have had in 20. I'm free from the drama of competing with a mini wife. I'm free from the bullshit excuses and enabling. Free from my dark bedroom where I wished for death.

I have a job, my very first apartment and most importantly I have PEACE!

grow-a-nut has HAD IT!!!!

grow-a-nut's picture

SO wednesday was spineless wonder's birthday. SD insisted she come over so I left. Thursday morning I went to make his lunch and the pkg of hot dogs I had was gone. NP I figured one of my bio kids ate them.

Today I get home and get ready to order our dinner. We have pizza on Friday nights and the place I call gives you coupons with every large pizza. You get 10 of these coupons and your 11th is free. SO I go to the drawer where I keep them, knowing I have enough for a FREEBIE!!!!! No coupons.....

New here and I want to vent, too.

grow-a-nut's picture

Hi all. I have been reading and lurking here for a month and decided to join today. A little background first. I have 4 bio kids and hubs has 1 daughter from his first marriage. We have been together since his daughter was 12. She is now 28. From the very first time I met her she was a pill, to say the least. I knew she was spoiled and entitled but I had no idea of how bad it is until today. I, like many of you have disengaged since February of this year. Step-d caused such commotion for our family then that for my sanity I had to cut her off.