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Beaver's on a roll ....SD is PISSED

halo1998's picture

In as the Beaver sleeps....SD has a job at the local food restaurant.  They sell baked goods, salads and sandwhiches and it start with P.  She works from 5 p.m. till close, since she is still in school.  Closing is 9 p.m. but as we all have to clean BEFORE you leave so while closing is 9 p.m. you may not get out till 9:45 or so.  Its the nature of any retail position that has closing.

When SD got this job she sat down and told Beaver....I am not having Dad drive me to your house after every shift. You need to pick me up.  She laid it out to Beaver and Beaver commited to picking up SD.  (At least that is what SD tells us...she usually is pretty good at telling the truth so I believe her).

The first night..Beaver pitched a fit to SD that it was too late for her to pick her up.  She agreed to 9 not 9:45.  SD said they argued over the fact that Beaver committed to picking her up...regardless of the time.  Beaver argues that its too late and that she needs sleep...(WTF IS WITH THE SLEEP THING). SD apparently told her she doesn't care about her sleep and that she agreed to do this for her. she works till close tonight and DH and I are taking bets on whether or not Beaver flakes on SD.  If that is the case, I will go and pick up SD from work.  DH can't as he will be on the phone working with clients that are on the other side of the he will be unavailable.  I on the other hand am not an Uber and Beaver will either pick up SD from our house that night or SD will be staying at our house. I will not be driving across h3ll's half acre to take SD back to the Beaver Den. 

Beaver is about to meet an immovable object....halo don't give a F*CK at this point.


dragonfly878's picture

What if you didn't pick her up (assuming it's not your day) and then if Beaver doesn't pick up SD when she's supposed to- call CPS on her for neglect? I hate to say it- but if you pick her up doesn't that enable Beaver to just keep slacking off as you're picking up her slack? I would be LIVID if this impacted my personal time.

If she calls you- don't answer. It teaches SD she can't expect you to be available to her during her mom's time, teaches mom that you're not willing to fill in because she's too tired, and forces SD to get creative with how she get transportation (and perhaps will motivate her to drive one she's a bit older).

MissK03's picture

This will not change Beaver. The poor girl wants to work, wants to make money and she shouldn't have to get creative about rides because her mom is a POS. 

halo1998's picture

heck Beaver slapped, hit and bit SD before during a fight and they did nothing.  Not picking her up will not even register on their radar.  SD really can't get creative on getting a ride..she is just barely 16, none of her friends drive.   Ride share at that late hour is iffy not to mention its 25 minutes to Beaver's so it will eat up all her earnings.

dragonfly878's picture

That stinks.... for this poor girl to actually want to work and her mom to be a total unsupportive a**. I feel for you that it falls on you and I feel for SD that she has a mom like that...

MissK03's picture

I can't f'n stand Beaver. When the boys first started working it was a PITA with transpiration. SS18s boss would hold these kids past 9 and we would sometimes sit in the parking lot for 30 minutes waiting for him. Giant clothing retail store.. starts with a D lol. 

It seems that maybe SDs only option is to maybe work one night week during Beaver week and more with you guys IF they allow that OR if she stays with you guys on her work days. 

Really sucks for SD. Lazy f'n parents UGH. 

Quick story.. when the kids used to go with BM back in the day lol she would pick them up Friday at 5pm and drop them at school Monday morning and SD home because she was still in elementary at the time. You would think she would make sure they had their backpacks right?? I know it was only twice a month she would have to the drop off at school BUT.. 

They would forget and she wouldn't even turn around and get them.. sometimes they would remember 1/2 mile after they left. I'll add BM lives 4 miles from us. So it was always made dash to get the boys to school on time. **eye roll**

Survivingstephell's picture

Hey mom, don't forget that dad can take you back to court for CS modification when I sleep over there more if you don't pick me up from work.  

strugglingSM's picture

Hopefully your SD moves far away from Beaver once she turns 18...otherwise, she will likely become responsible for taking care of Beaver.

I assume Beaver would not care if your SD sat at work for hours waiting for a ride...which is also maybe not advised after closing time. Would Beaver be concerned if she woke up the next morning and SD wasn't home?

advice.only2's picture

I don't really have much to offer other than your DH should drop the hammer that if he is having to pick up SD from work because Beaver is passed out then she stays with him and Drunkie Beaver can pick her up on her way to work the next day...or if rolling out of bed at that time is too difficult for her hangover than she can pick her up after school.

floralsm's picture

Definitely pick up SD and definitely take her back to your place. Eff Beaver, she's a lazy POS.

CLove's picture

I have the opposite issue - Toxic Troll is suddenly after YEARS, suddenly on it (because shes mother of the year and making extra cash). She now has a job where its on the way from school to do pick up and now th skid and her are working a job together. How cozy.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

sleeping she has been doing. Either that or she is really that selfish that she does not care about her child. What would your SD do if your DH was not around? Expect SD to walk to and from work?