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I cannot WAIT for SD to get out of this house - UPDATED

halo1998's picture

UPDATE...well well..imagine that.  Take SD's phone and poof her room is spotless in about 90 minutes.  Hmm...IMAGINE THAT.  I'm just pissed off I had to get involved and I had to lose my crap.    Waiting for SD to ask me for her phone.  I'm not offering it up.



SD is the last kid that lives here and she is just like Beaver a complete and utter SLOB.  I have asked for months for SD to clean her room.  DH asks her to and then SD says "She is working on it" but it is still a giant mess.  When I say mess, food all over, makeup all over, clothes everywhere, etc.  

Now she sleeps till freaking noon and stays up all damn night.  She HAS F*CKING time to clean.  Today the dog got into her room and I have no idea what the heck he ate while in there.  SD was taking ;her shower after getting up at noon.  

I LOST MY SHIT PEOPLE...cause I'm the one that has to deal with the dog.  ME...and I am DONE.

Since DH or Mr. Avoidant refuses to handle the situation....I will.  I now have all of SD's electronics and they will NOT be returned until the room is clean.  I mean MY STANDARD OF CLEAN...NOT SD'S AND NOT MA'S.  I also gave her till 4 that time anything not cleaned up will be put into the trash and to the curb tomorrow.  

When MA told me to calm down I went after him...this is part his fault for not taking a stand with SD.  I should not have to lose my shit and yell for them to get THE GOD DAMN CLUE.  I have asked nicely and I have waited patiently..but when now I will have to deal with the sick dog I AM DONE.

These two fools should know...DO NOT PISS OFF HALO.....I DO NOT BACK DOWN AND I WILL WIN.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Yeah, it's one thing to close the door and disengage but when it becomes a health and sanitation issue, you can't just look the other way. Old food will put the whole house at risk for roaches and rodents. 

halo1998's picture

MA is all like...let me be the bad guy. Yea..I TRIED THAT FOR MONTHS AND HE REFUSED TO GIVE HER CONSEQUENCES. He avoids being the bad guy like the freaking plague

My kids act right..why ...becuase they knew..EFF AROUND AND YOU WILL FIND OUT.  I DO NOT PLAY..

Honestly, SD can just eff right back to Beaver's and stay.  I do not give a CRAP...and I have reached my limits.


halo1998's picture

and i'm contemplating going to a hotel this evening so MA and SD get to deal with the dogs yacking all night.

Lillywy00's picture

Telling able bodied kids to clean up after themselves is not being a bad guy 

I would have done the same thing you did.

No room clean then no devices. 

ESMOD's picture

Make MA put an auto door closer on her door.. it will shut even if she "forgets".


ItsGrowingOld's picture

Bad idea.  It's a health concern leaving spoiled food out.  The room probably reeked too.

CLove's picture

Same with SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada. Not only no job, but no drivers license either and yep, the whole sleep in till noon time. Showers only occasionally never brushes her teeth...

Just icky poo. And we have no dogs just a cat and a rabbit that she doesnt feed.

Lillywy00's picture

The Disney dad I used to deal with has a messy ass son 

He would eat and leave crumbs everywhere, had a nosebleed and left the blood splattered everywhere (can you say gross biohazard), his bedroom floor was dusty, he'd leave used towels balled up all over the bathroom or his bedroom floor, never made his bed unless told


Winterglow's picture

You go, girl!

You're on the right track it's working! YES!

Harry's picture

The old cell phone for ransom trick.   I can see a clean room or very little cell phone in the future.   Maybe SD gets so mad she will punish you by moving out.  Bo ho.    Remind DH if he doesn't get with the program he will have things taken away from him.  Or will be getting a single bed to sleep in   This works 

MissK03's picture

I think living with someone that doesn't have the same clean standards as you is one of the most challenging things to navigate. 

This is my entire relationship with SO. I have a way higher standard then he does. SS21s room was so f'n gross it was literally driving me insane. I would complain, complain, complain... it created a lot of resentment with me towards SO. Now that his room is in the basement and I have no idea what it looks like... literally I've never been in there..  it's a sense of relief TBH. 

He honestly thinks he "cleans" aka he does the dishes (I don't do them at all)  and swaps clothes... doesn't fold them... just swaps them. I do everything. I completely refuse to clean the downstairs bathroom (I don't use it and the boys trash it) so he does that maybe once a month or if we have people over he will. We actually got into a mildly argument about this two weeks ago.

Now throw in skids and two large dogs that shed a ton (SS19 and SD17 aren't toobad) that don't do anything to help clean it became a major issue for me. SS21 moving into the basement was the best thing that could happen though as far as seeing it... it's been a whole other fight with the kitchen and getting an adult skid to do basic things but that's for another day haha. 

I feel your pain though. Luckily you can flip and it will get done.

Cover1W's picture

Oh yes, been there and done that - and I have zero regrets! A smelly room with rotting food and disgusting things all over the floor was not acceptable. There's a differnce between messy and filthy.  You should get that hotel room.

Rags's picture

The winner is the one more commited to the results.  You are sooooo right to make it crystal clear that they have zero choice but to do what they are told.... or suffer.

You found her pain point.  So many of these screen addicted arthritic thumbed life invaders lose their minds when their phone goes away.

Well played Halo.

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