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halo1998's Blog

NSR...but family related rant cause this is the only place I have

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Ugh....I swear.  DH has one brother ...aka the methhead.  Literally he is a meth addict complete with the missing teeth and everything.  OY joy..

Now MH (methhead) has two boys....nephew A and B.  Nephew A....well he flew the addict coup at 14 when the house he was living in with his methhead mom...aka the stripper (MH met her while delivering chips to the local strip club while she was on a pole).  was raided by the police and Nephew A was on the ground at gun point.  

I'm back from the UK.....the good and the bad

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I'm back after spending 14 days in Scotland and England.  We dropped off my second oldest for grad school at St. Andrews Scotland

10 days in London...

I loved the UK...I must say

Your public transit is AMAZING....

I loved all the sites and the all know what a proper portion size is..for the first time in forever I didn't have to take over 1/2 of my meal home.

Scotland...specifically ST. Andrews...BEAUTIFULL...loved all of it. I cannot wait to go back there.

I cannot WAIT for SD to get out of this house - UPDATED

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UPDATE...well well..imagine that.  Take SD's phone and poof her room is spotless in about 90 minutes.  Hmm...IMAGINE THAT.  I'm just pissed off I had to get involved and I had to lose my crap.    Waiting for SD to ask me for her phone.  I'm not offering it up.



SD is the last kid that lives here and she is just like Beaver a complete and utter SLOB.  I have asked for months for SD to clean her room.  DH asks her to and then SD says "She is working on it" but it is still a giant mess.  When I say mess, food all over, makeup all over, clothes everywhere, etc. mother strikes again...she is trying to enlist flying monkeys

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Sigh..ok...the saga of my mother continued.... sister, age 49, recently divorced from her partner.  In that process she lost her house and moved to a rental.  The last 15 years have been hard for my sister..she lost two due to her partner stealing from their business and the second (her divorce) due to her partner being an alchoholic, lost her house and lost her business. (lost the business due to partners embelzement and her partner not paying the necessary taxes).

Awww..we have another little Idiot....aka spend spend spend

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SD......age 18 has a partime job.  For graduation MA got her a hotel room in a sunny state down south on the ocean.  He paid for the room and airline tickets for SD, her friend and DD.  (DD is going since she is 23 and can get the keys to the hotel room).  

Ah....the only thing MA told SD she had to pay for we her food and entertainment down there.  Ah...coool....

To get ready for said vacation SD has spent the following:

$50 on a pedicure

$150 on a manicure/nails

$100 on false eyelashes

I'm not the same person...

halo1998's picture

that is MA's mantra of late.  Cool...I can see his is trying to be different since his extra-curricular activies were discovered. What MA fails to realize..I am ALSO  a different person.  After finding his years and years long extra-curriculars changed me...along with therapy for complex PTSD.

MA does not like the new me all that much at times....I no longer sweep his crappy behavior under the rug. I won't light myself on fire to make him happy anymore and I no longer blindly trust him.  Trust but verify buddy...that is where we are at. 

So about SD and MA...I have made some decisions

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Thank you to everyone that resonded etc...


Here is what I have so far...

1.  I will give MA the last 3k for her cosmetology school.  It will be a gift and I will not look back. I have the money so its not a hardship.  This way I can wash my hands of them both and know I tried to do my part.

2.  I will take the darn hamster and put it into the spare room where I can feed it and not look at the pig sty.  That way I will no longer have to see SD's room or have MA deal with it.  Plus the hamster will get more sun in there.

No card, no present for Fathers but boy could she shop - Updated

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UPDATE - DH aka MA  got notification that SD has ANOTHER package arriving here.  (SD has crap sent here since we live in a house and not a condo with communial mailboxes).  SMH..... the ever evolving saga of this episode we find DH realizing that SD could shop for herself but couldn't shop for him.  

****Wait for my suprised face*****

So..Sd on the Saturday before Father's day went to the mall and bought makeup and clothes for herself.  Nothing for dear old Dad..aka Daddy Warbucks to her.
