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Does this shiznit ever freaking end..TIRED OF HEARING OF BEAVER AND SD

halo1998's picture

I swear....we are at t-minus 12 months till SD is 18.  


I don't want to hear about Beaver or SD.  Yesterday,  DH had to tell me that SD went with Beaver to get her tongue pierced.  Ugh...ok..whatever...but geez..I DON'T GIVE A SHIT DH.  Geez...this is our week without it to much to ask that I don't have to hear about her or her bat shit crazy mother?  This announcment from DH immediately put me in a bad mood and after that I wanted nothing to do with DH.  I one wants to hear about your failed offspring and your f*cking stupid crazy ex.  Made my need to be initimate wtih DH go from 100 to 0 in 10 seconds or less.

Today's installment in the Beaver shit show....DH had to hound Beaver to pay her share of med bills.  MMMMM...oh f*cking joy.  I was looking forward to the evening with DH but not now. I want to be anywhere but near DH. I'm just SO OVER hearing/dealing, etc with SD and Beaver.  Please dear lord let SD go by the way of GWR and move the F8CK IN WITH BEAVER.  Now DH is trying to figure out Zelle so Beaver can send him money and he is texting me asking for help.  UGH..NO...SERIOUSLY GO FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF.

Between the failing grades, the buying of stupid sh*t..(so glad we spent thousands on orthodonture so SD can ruin her teeth with a stupid piercing)....can't drive and no plans for the future...I wish I had never got on this damn train with DH.   I could be sipping a damn drink by myself on a freaking beach.

Seriously regretting some of my life choices.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

My sister got her tongue pierced in hs. It swelled so big she couldn't close her mouth and couldn't speak properly for weeks. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I went from "right on, that's bad ass!" to "eeeeeeewww" really fast when i saw the result! 

grannyd's picture

Yepper! Halo; you are another of the unlucky StepTalk members who bought the losing ticket at the bio-mom raffle. Between the shiftless GWR, the unmotivated stepdaughter and the cursed Beaver, you may well regret 'some of my life choices'. Sipping an exotic drink must seem like heaven when your husband's past marital faux pas continue to rear their ugly heads


And yes, tongue piercings invariably damage the teeth. A quick check on the internet would have revealed to Beaver et al of that sobering fact. But hey, ‘ol Beave didn’t pay for the braces so she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about compromising thousands of dollars’ worth of dental work.

Don’t have much advice to give, Hon. Merely a lot of understanding and a big, internet ((((((HUG))))).

ndc's picture

Hmmmm . . . maybe you should do just that.  If DH doesn't want to come now, he can come when SD turns 18 or not at all. Let him accommodate YOUR choices for a change.

Survivingstephell's picture

You just got back from the beach !!   Have you told DH is simple terms that the week with No SD is a week for you to have a breather from the drama, to focus on the marriage and when he brings them up, it makes it nearly impossible to see him in an attractive sexual way?    Does he know this?   If not I think you owe it to you both to state that need.  

halo1998's picture

next week...seems like a good topic for there.  He did notice I was pissy after the whole "Beaver took SD to get her tongue pierced" comment yesterday.  I have told DH..I'm TIRED OF THE DRAMA...I'm looking for a no drama filled life.  Hell..I managed to neutralize the village idiot...and he was a legit stalker/harrasser.

And no one wants to get intimate with their partner after hearing about their failed previous relationships, etc. 

classyNJ's picture

When I was in my late 20's I got mine pierced.  It took weeks for the swelling to go down and had to change to another bar since the one they put in is extra long to allow for swelling.

I went to my dentist for regular cleaning and he took it right out.  I had cracked 2 of my teeth just having it in there. 



halo1998's picture

tooth..the extraction..the implant, etc...holy shiznit I'm glad I never got tongue piercing.  This has been the longest 8 months I swear and mine was cracked in half by a dog hitting me in the face with his big fat head.  I can't imagine the damage from a tongue piercing.

advice.only2's picture

I worked with a woman who had her tongue pierced and she used to suck on it and play with it all day.  She got a bad case of thrush and was told to remove the piercing to aide in the healing from the thrush.   She refused and kept it and the thrush got so bad it was in her throat and everything.  She finally removed it and the thrush cleared up.  I’ve had many body piercings as well and always steered clear of that one.  The thought of my tongue swelling terrified me.

Survivingstephell's picture

Tongue piercings do have a way of weeding out dumb ones, from the sound of it.  lol 

la_dulce_vida's picture

I would be tempted to get a small handheld sign that says "No Drama" and just hold it up as soon as he begins to talk. The other side could say, "lost my lady boner." LOL

It just sounds to me like your DH has so little interesting going on in his life that the drama and gossip about his ex and kids is all he's got going.


halo1998's picture

I have often wondered if DH tends to revel in this drama because he isn't used to having a drama free life.

MissK03's picture

I had mine done twice. Never had a problem, never damaged my teeth.. didn't "play" with it either. I had it through late teens - I think 27ish.

I honestly didn't think it was a thing still. It was hit with my age group. I'm 37 now. 

Annoying he had to tell you... maybe to lessen the surprise for next time you see her? 


IDontCare3117's picture

O/T I admit.  Help out a gal, though, and explain to me the attraction of tongue piercings.  

la_dulce_vida's picture

One alleged theory is it's supposed to enhance blow jobs. Apparently the sensation of the metal end of the piercing is supposed to add something to the experience. I have no personal experience with piercings, but I know a lot of guys whose eyes light up when they see a woman obviously mouthing her piercing. To them, it comes off as an advertisement that she likes to give head.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but that's the main one I've heard of.

halo1998's picture

and then told DH.  He was unaware of this..(which I was like really dude...where have you been).  I was like well now...seems like she advertising her services but hey who knows.

Rags's picture

no one wants to hear about your failed offspring and your f*cking stupid crazy ex.

I am sorry you have to have the failed family spawn and shit choice of breeding partner review with DH .... all of the time.

I can't even  immagine how nauseating this is to have to live with.


For us, DW almost never brought up the Spermidiot though we did battle the collective SpermClan led by the SpermGrandHag for gte 16+ years we were under a Custody/Visitation/Support CO.

I did make it a point to ask SS about his visitation trip and activities when he got back.  He would talk to me.  Far more than he would his mom.  He did not want to upset her, and he needed to work through the toxic crap, lies, manipulatins, and guilting him on just about anything positive in his life. "Whaaaaa, your sister and brothers don't have that....... and you only have it because of CS."

Cray 2

Meanwhile 12yrs after he aged out from under the CO and back at the ranch. he has just about zero to do with them.  I still ask upon occassion and guide him to at least stay in touch with his sister. But....  his self preservation instincts keep him insolated from that entire shit show of a shallow and polluted gene pool.

Make your move, you and the dog hit the beach and enjoy your drama free new life adventure. DH will likely never stop the play by play review of his POS spawn and his idiot choice of womb donor to polute his gene pool with.

Take care of you halo.

Give rose


halo1998's picture

or move aside.  I'm done waiting around.  

Funny, I had to battle the Village Idiot very early on.  I went for the jugular immediately....he decided to be an @sshole and I decide to take him to court for full custody.  In the end...I settled and made it so I had final say on everything.  I was also quick to realize .....while the VI owed me money for his half of daycare/medical expenses..trying to get that would be a constant battle.  I quickly determined that it would be constant stress for me and for my DH.  Who wants to subject their spouse to constant stress/drama from their ex?  I didn' I went nuclear on the VI and effectively neutured him.  I don't bring him up unless I'm talking the kids and I ask them how their Dad is doing.  Not because I give a shite about him...but because he is my kids Dad and I want them to be able to talk to me about him. 

DH has yet to get the hint...I  DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT BEAVER AND/OR SD when they are not hear.  At least not all the time...I'm up to every once in awhile..but this everyday thing HAS GOT TO STOP.

floralsm's picture

Who gets their tongue pierced these days? Wasn't it popular in the 90s and early 00s? I got my bottom lip done in my late teens and regretted it as the back of the metal stud rubbed on my gum causing my gum line to recede and get damaged. If SD gets any health issues from it that's just another life lesson for her to learn I guess. I know SD will be getting her nose pierced like BM has. Yay for holes in the face.. 

halo1998's picture

who does that these days.  Right now the hot thing is a septum piercing..and SD already has one of those.  Other than that, I don't see many people with tongue piercings..

Unfortunately, if SD gets a health issue out of will DH that pays for it. He pays 70% of the medical and has to keep the insurance. Beaver has NEVER in 17 years provided insurance for her kids.  She is the MOOOOTTTTHHHHHHERRRRRRR...she doesn't have to do those sorts of things.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Really didnt know that piercings were still popular with kids nowadays except the goth/emo crowd....

Most ppl in my age group got the belly/nose/extra ear piercing. The more adventurous ones would get the eyebrow or lips....The more adventurous piercings would be for the alternative crowd (tongue, cheeks, between eyebrows and other parts lol)....

I think that she wont last as those tongue piercings are hard to maintain and keep clean if you arent big on oral/dental hygiene, not to mention damage to the enamel

Just got through another day of my husband ranting about his SS21 after they had another argument. He isnt here but the argument was over the phone and lasted a good hour + texting the whole evening....It ruined my husbands mood and he tried to argue with me and bring up things he was upset about out of nowhere after we just had a good time at dinner at the restaurant. He is now watching television and im going to bed....He will attempt to get lucky but with the awful attitude of this evening, he lost his ticket to the party

There really isnt anything you can do. My husband complains about lack of intimacy sometimes but who wants to do anything when you have children around constantly or the person you are with has bipolar episodes during which they hate the world and have a dark cloud over the house because they argued with BM/steps


A sad unfulfilling life.....extremely dreadful but we learn to live with it.

Sometimes i think of regular couples who dont have dark clouds over them and wonder what its like to only have to worry about each other/their marriage.....Guess I will never know!

halo1998's picture

talking about Beaver/SD = no bedroom fun.  I mean really....sure DH hearing about your failed partnering with Beaver and your failing offspring will put me in the mood. Also DH gets pissy when he has to deal with Beaver and we have learned through therapy that DH tends to project things on to ....he is pissy with Beaver over x, y, z so he gets pissy with me because he "thinks" I'm doing x,y,z..

Hmmmm..and then he wonders why I'm like..nope don't want to talk to you..let alone anything else.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

The projection thing....I know how you feel...If my husband has an argument with BMs or kids, all of a sudden its "all of you are like this', "you are a manipulator" etc etc....out of nowhere until i piece the puzzle and figure out that there has been an argument or falling out


We can only hope and dream to adapt to these issues/problems but I do not see the end of the tunnel much like you