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handlewithcare's picture

I thought I would update this blog, because what I am going through since my last entry is unbelievable. This last year my stepdaughter and I have become very close. We even tell each other we love one another. It's all related to her boyfriend going to jail and her meeting one of the nicest guys I have ever met. She has turned into completely different person this past year. We talk all of the time about anything without getting mad at each other. It's pretty amazing. My life was pretty good until my parents yelled at her in a restaurant because her kid was being too loud. She and my wife were trying to calm her son down, when my father unleashed on her, pretty much embarrassed all of us in a public restaurant. I am so angry with him and my mom that I had not talked to them in 2 months. We are just now starting to talk a little, but they still say bad things about her. It's just amazing that what I have been through with my SD, that I am now taking her side and truly believe I am doing the right thing. Just wanted to say that sometimes stuff works out with our step kid's, all the crap I have been through with her, I couldn't imagine being with out her now.


Acratopotes's picture

awe that's sweet for you...... hope it lasts....

but believe me I do not care how sweet and lovable Aergia gets, I will never allow her back in my life.

Maxwell09's picture

This was a nice update. I personally would have been furious at your dad regardless if the Stepdaughter/step-grandbaby did anything wrong. There is nothing in this world that I hate more than Public outburst and confrontations. They make me really uncomfortable and anxious. I will say though that whenever my BS1 starts to get fussy or loud in a restaurant (we eat out very frequently) DH or I usually step out with the kid so we don't disrupt the rest of the restaurant eating. Maybe in the future you could ask for the baby and go walk around with it to calm it down. Usually they just get bored and want a change of scenario until the food comes.