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ER visits and UTIs with 6yr olds?

happymostly's picture

bm and him dont have anything 'official' yet about who is supposed to carry medical insurance and all that but bm has state insurance for sd. So im not sure how much she has to pay on ER visits or medicine or anything like that (if anything...?) Im suprised bm didnt ask for money, but im guessing she didnt have to pay anything because she wasnt calling to ask for money...
Bm called dh today and said that she had to take sd6 to the ER and that he needed to give her this and that this weekend when he has her. She wasnt being specific with the details. She wouldnt even say when she took her. He said he wasnt going to give sd anything until she could explain what happened better. Sd supposedly had an UTI or something. bm has a history of them, but i didnt know a 6 year old could get them?
he ended up hanging up on her because she called him a name and still wasnt saying what happened...


MissTAKEN's picture

Kids can get UTI's for numerous reasons. Holding their pee, and various other reasons..

Normal urine contains no bacteria (germs). Bacteria may, at times, get into the urinary tract and the urine from the skin around the rectum and genitals by traveling up the urethra into the bladder. When this happens, the bacteria can infect and inflame the bladder and cause swelling and pain in the lower abdomen and side. This bladder infection is called cystitis.

In some children a urinary tract infection may be a sign of an abnormal urinary tract that may be prone to repeated problems. (See What abnormalities lead to urinary problems?) For this reason, when a child has a urinary infection, additional tests are often recommended. (See What tests may be needed after the infection is gone?) In other cases, children develop urinary tract infections because they are prone to such infections, just as other children are prone to getting coughs, colds, or ear infections. Or a child may happen to be infected by a type of bacteria with a special ability to cause urinary tract infections.

Children who frequently delay a trip to the bathroom are more likely to develop UTIs. Regular urination helps keep the urinary tract sterile by flushing away bacteria. Holding in urine allows bacteria to grow. Keeping the sphincter muscle tight for a long time also makes it more difficult to relax that muscle when it is time to urinate. As a result, the child’s bladder may not empty completely. This dysfunctional voiding can set the stage for a urinary infection.

happymostly's picture

thank you for your comment. Sd doesnt pee that much when she is at our house for the weekend, so i can see maybe where she holds it too long. but dh currently only gets sd EOWE so its hard to know what goes on at bm's house.

anita...sigh's picture

I had UTI baaaddd from the time I was a little kid until some minor surgery fixed the problem. I still get them time to time and may need a repeat procedure.

My OD was the same way. She had a condition called "reflux" where some urine would go back up the tubes towards her kidneys and leave stale urine behind. She was on antibiotics for a year until she outgrew her condition.

So sorry for the 6 year old. No fun.

I am confused's picture

Damn... well said and all true. Also, a very common cause of UTIs among kids who have JUST learned to use the restroom themselves is wiping back to front. Beware of that...

MissTAKEN's picture

I have a 6 yo SS, he holds his pee ALL day if we don't remind him to go. Right now it is stretching his urethra, VERY painful for him. There are many reasons kids SHOULDN'T hold their pee in. Make sure when she is with you she is drinking LOTS of water, that way she will pee more often and remind her to go. Like she is potty training again. When she gets up in the morning, make sure it is the first things she does. UTI's are PAINFUL, and I am sure she is uncomfortable. If you let her know that holding it can cause that pain, maybe it will encourage her to go when she needs to.

MamaBecky's picture

My SD5 gets UTI's easily. We limit bubble baths and she has learned to enjoy and prefer showers. Sometimes shes in to much of a hurry to get done going potty to wipe properly...shes afraid she is going to miss we have to keep an eye on that....and in the same accord because shes afraid to miss anything she does hold it for to long and we do have to make her go sometimes. We have to force her to drink water and she barely ever gets pop and if she does its Sprite or Sierra Mist. We started buying her the flavored Capri Sun water pouches....she likes those.