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ot - low shot even coming from you!

happymostly's picture

stbx H got all his stuff today. we hugged a few times and he said he would drop off the signed divorce papers at my moms house. I had asked him to bring them then, but of course he didnt. Its like you supposedly already signed them, why drag it out longer than necessary? I wasnt gonna push it, thought maybe he would do it. Then I found out my aunt who is a notary would be in town tomorrow, so I text him while I was at work to please drop them off later that day. well he basically gave me the run around AGAIN saying that if I wanted them so badly, I should come and get them. Then a little bit later he sends me a text saying he got a message on FB from someone saying that I was talking about him on FB and to please be honest with him. I didnt respond. I got home and checked my FB in the sent box, and SURE ENOUGH he sent himself a copy of a message I had sent to a friend about him. So i changed my password, then went to his fb and (he still has the same password too...probably not for long though lol) and I deleted the message that he sent himself.

I WAS gonna be nice to him this month and next month and not make him pay his half of the family line we are still on for our cell phones so he could get some $$ together(even when we were together, he NEVER paid it, nor did I ask him to) and I WAS going to give him his part of our tax return (had just deposited it all into my savings acct because we were going to use it for bills when I had to quit working for school) BUT NOT ANYMORE. i cant fake nice to him anymore, I cant just ignore the hateful messages he sends me (well I will still ignore them, but I am not going to answer him in hopes to get him to give me the papers). I dont give an EFF if it takes longer now to get the divorce. Hes already dragging it out, and saying manipulative things to me anyway and generally just being a POS. I shouldnt of been nice to him anyway, with his possible cheating on me, which of course he still swears up and down that it didnt happen. F&CK HIM F&CK HIM F&CK HIM.


happymostly's picture

I definitely deleted him now off my FB! I had already given him the papers on Wednesday, when he told me he would sign them, but THEN when he got them he said he 'needed time to think it over' thats when I knew that I shouldnt of done that! and he is definitely not right in the head. I cant wait till all this is OVER! and even though Im telling him i'll be friends with him (was just saying that so he would give me back the papers) but not anymore. Hes definitely not a friend or ever will be.

happymostly's picture

I called him out on trying to control me and he gives me the run around saying its not control, he just doesnt want us to 'rush this decision', its like you supposedly signed it already, just give it up! thank God I didnt have kids with this POS!!

happymostly's picture

wow that is a low blow too. and I wont fall for it. Hes a POS in my eyes and everytime he texts me, its just another notch on my shit list. I cant wait till I can block his number and get him out of my life for good!!