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Little moments that get us through

harleygirl's picture

I wanted to share this little moment I had this weekend. Lately, ss5.5 has been getting closer and closer to DH and I and seeing MIL and BM for what they really are. I've told DH to not get upset when they try to manipulate ss and just be the best father and stable family ss can have. It's paying off.

For the past two months, ss has called US from BM's saying he misses us, asks ME to read him bedtime stories, tells DH he wants to live with US full time and BM less days, and the crowning moment yesterday he told me I was the best mommy in the world! I thought DH was going to pass out!

All because I make home cooked meals, and we don't have the drama. WE let him be a little boy and play and get dirty. He calls my bs's his brothers and feels part of a normal family with us.

Just goes to show that evil may lurk but love will least this week Biggrin


Ghost Rider's picture

Hmm. I use to have those little moments with my SD when she was little. It all has change since they are in their teenage years now. Their BM is fun time party mom that lets them do anything they want too so more then anything they stick around her.

At one point in time they like to be with us because we would cook meals where mom takes them out to restaurants. You'll never see BM in the kitchen.

They have to follow rules around here so that is where BM probably won out! She does not have much rules. Just good times a rolling and staying out at social events.

The more they stay around her the more they learn how to lie because in BM life lies sound so much better then the real life.

giveitago's picture

I had those moments when the twins (boy and girl SKids) were 10, it was a joy to be around them. Puberty hit them both in as much as they turned psychotic, got into all sorts of trouble and SD always got caught! She was in the juvenile justice system and NOT ONE person in there could handle her! SS was a firestarter, ironically he's now a fire fighter? He just never got caught out. Hell on wheels they were! They survived to be 19 and I think the changes are taking place again, ever so slowly back to being good again...too damned slow!
We weathered through it all, DH and I had numerous fights about how to deal with them as teenagers so, when they both hollared downstairs at me 'you are not our mom so we do not have to do anything you say' I lost it, told them they are absolutely correct and I disengaged. DH pretty soon saw what I was dealing with and we finally started the same book, a couple of pages apart still but reading the same book.