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HeatherM's Blog

Well it was very bad of me but...

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And really not in my character as I'm good at 'hiding' my feelings... but I'm having a problem these days standing the sight of my SS. This is because of his most recent lie about my BS, and what I've had to do to ensure it doesn't happen again. He will not see his Step brother much at all anymore as I've rearranged the schedules... this August will mark our last family holiday, and I cancelled family photos that were supposed to be done.. really, all because of his lie and his parents reaction to it...

Just an update to my post of last week..

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Where SS8 lied to his mother about having been 'beat up' by my bioson 13...

So... I find out this weekend how it all went down... BM asked SS to clean his room... (A week after Grandpa/or I left two fingermark bruises on his side from wrestling/tickling him)... SS tells BM he can't because he's in too much pain... as my BS beat him up... so BM see's the bruises and calls my DH...and also tells DH that SS said he told his dad but his dad didn't care... so DH rushes over to BM's house to comfort SS and tell him he cares about him, and everything will be ok.

I almost vomited.

Well that was fun...

HeatherM's picture inlaws came for the long weekend as it was our daughters 2nd birthday yesterday. We had a 'talk' with SS8 prior to their arrival stating that we expected him to follow the rules while his grandparents were here (because he normally ignores them), and that if he didn't he would pay for the consequences after his grandparents leave... it didn't turn out too bad besides his usual "I've now turned into a 2 year old because my grandparents are here" thing... but whatever... but I need to vent about a few things..because folks..this is the only safe place to do so.

I just don't know...

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Before I'm blasted by the BM's on here, let me start this email by saying I love my ss8... and the things I'm going to say about him here are just truth, and not because I have some hate issue. I too am a BM. What I find funny is I can say anything about my Biokids..and no one bats and eye...but as soon as I say something about my's like I'm attacking him. I know some of the stuff I'm going to say below is maybe typical of an 8 year old boy...but new to me... and I just have to get them off my chest...

Grossed out!

HeatherM's picture

So..for the last little while SS8's room smells like urine... I mean I guess it always does a little because he's either pee'd his bed or his pants ... but we have a plastic sheet on the new mattress...and he changes his sheets unless there is wet pee laundry in his basket the pee smell is not usually too strong.. but anyways..for the last few weeks it has been. I've cleaned it..I windex'ed down his plastic sheet in case it was holding the odor etc etc.

Just a couple of things...

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First thing is actually a good thing...I think. DH finally told his parents that they've got to stop treating SS8 like he's god. Yay! My FIL basically ignores our two year old daugther for fear of making SS8 jealous...and my BS 13 never gets so much as a 'hi' from him half the time... My MIL does her best I think....she doesn't really treat the kids differently...BUT she treats SS8 like he's a wee infant.. it's a good thing really that we don't see them so often... anyways...

Christmas Fiasco

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I know... Christmas is over, it's a brand new year... but I haven't been on the site much, so thought I'd vent about Christmas. So, for anyone that reads my blogs you've probably heard me mention how my ss8 is growing 'out' and not 'up', and how he is completely inactive and obsessed with food...

The Shrine

HeatherM's picture I know it's Christmas, and I'm trying hard to temper my feelings... but shit my DH coddles his baby 8 year old son sooo much it just makes me want to vomit. Today the "shrine" is bothering me... what do I mean by this? On DH's night stand he keeps a big picture in a frame of SS8, it's huge... on My dresser I have pictures of all the kids doing various things... SS included... I said to him

Not sure how to feel

HeatherM's picture

So my BS is 13 years old. He currently lives 50% of the time at my house, and 50% of the time at his Dads. I knew there would come a day when he would not want to be carted about like a piece of furniture, and I was always hoping it would be my house he chose to live at 100% of the time. Turns out, I was wrong. My son and I have a very open relationship, one where communication is key. He doesn't at his dads, and is always very fearful about hurting his Dad's feelings. So anyways, it would appear that he thinks it would be easier to live at his dads.
