This is long....
This is long, and for that I apologize. I just have so much to angst and no where to vent.
First, I have to ask all the step-moms out there and girlfriends who are in the step-mom role: has something so awful happened with your SK(s) and your BF/DH reaction to it (or, in my case, lack thereof) that you are so incredulous and ashamed you didn't do anything about it and that you don't tell a single soul? Besides venting here? That is the situation I am in.
Last night my BF's 2 daughters (ages 8 & 11) came over to my apartment and ended up spending the night. This was a first for us and I was excited. I look forward to spending more time with them since my BF's divorce became final. My son (also 11) was not there but spending the night elsewhere.
It was late when we got to bed, as in after 11pm. The girls were camped out on the sleeper sofa while BF and I went back to my room and to bed. All night long the 11 year old was texting her friends back and forth, which is pretty normal for her. She texts on my BF's phone because her mother will not pay for the additional charge to have unlimited texts on the daughter's phone. Since BF has unlimited texts, he allows her to use his phone instead.
When we went to bed I asked BF if he was going to tell Daughter to put the phone away and get to sleep? He mumbled something to the effect of 'Yeah' as in 'I told her but didn't take the phone physically away from her and probably won't enforce it if she stays up half the night texting away.'
I worried she would keep up the 8 year old with the texting and that both girls would be super cranky the following day if they both didn't get to sleep soon.
But I digress. As I have said before, I am trying very hard to keep my mouth shut when it comes to how BF parents. It's very different from my own parenting style. If she stays up all night texting then I suppose that would be someone else's cross to bear when it comes to dealing with cranky kids, right?
At a little after midnight I wake up to find the 11 year standing next to the bed, waking BF up because she's having some problem with his cell phone. I was sound asleep. I expected BF to nip the phone thing in the butt right then and there and remind her what time it was, that I had to work the next morning (BF had to work only a half day), and that she was told to put the phone away when they were put to bed.
Does BF do this? Ummm, that would be a big HELL TO THE NO. He actually gets up and goes out in the living room to 'help' her with the phone! I am annoyed but I managed to drift back off to sleep rather quickly.
Alittle while later, I believe it was nearly 1:30am, I wake up to find the 11 yr. old is back, waking BF up again! I hear her say,"My friend said you could fix it by taking out the SIMS card..." Yes, she woke him up again, with another problem with his phone! I cannot believe it. I am seething, but again say nothing. It takes me a
a little longer to get back to sleep, but eventually I do.
Finally, the last straw is at 4am this morning. Yes, as unbelievable as it sounds, the 11yr. old wakes him again at 4 in the morning. Another 'issue' with the phone. Keep in mind every time this happened during the course of the night I never heard BF say anything to Daughter as in a reprimand. He simply got up. I do not think he said anything to her out in the living room, either.
At 4:30am I am still awake. My head is throbbing by this time so I get up and go out into the kitchen and down a few Advil. I peek in the living room and see that finally, the 11 yr. old is asleep.
BF hears me get up and he is also awake. He asks me what I was doing. I cannot contain it any longer. The fight commences. I know both girls are sleeping 30 feet away from us so there is no yelling. I tell him under no uncertain terms that Daughter's actions were highly disrespectful to me and rude. I am exhausted and actually disturbed by the whole episode.
BF fires back with 'The kids get up in the middle of the night all the time at his house' and 'Its the summer and I don't care how late they stay up' and also the guilt-trip ridden 'I don't get them all the time and I always am here for them, anytime day or night'. It says to me what I have known all along: BF thinks that because of the divorce he can't say no to them.The guilt eats him up. That, in turn, gives the daughters major entitlement issues. It's a vicious cycle.
I cannot begin to tell you how bizarre this entire situation is to me. BF couldn't have surprised or mortified me more at that moment than if he'd suddenly sprouted horns and a tail. I remember (long, long ago in a galaxy far, far before the age of the cell phone that the house I grew up had strict rules about my friend's phone calls. During the week (whether it was summer or school time) no phone calls after 10pm. I had parents who both worked during the day and they wouldn't have put up with this crap for a moment. As I got older, (as in a teenager) my Mom let me pay for having my own phone line in my room. That way calls wouldn't wake her. Even then, I knew if I pushed that even too far, Mom would have ripped my phone out of the wall if my friends calling had kept her up all hours of the night!
He's pissed now and so am I. He gets up out of bed and starts getting dressed saying 'We're leaving.' As in, he's going to go and wake up both the girls (its nearly 5am by this time) and haul their butts back to his house. I know this is ridiculous and I don't want to 'involve' them in 'our' fight. It would upset them. I tell him so and that only makes him more determined. He goes outside to smoke and calm down (I think). I am leaving out a lot of the fight where I'm crying, trying to convey to him that I don't care how different his parenting 'style' is from mine, and that simply as a guest in MY home, Daughter disrespected me and her dad! BF would hear none of it. From his point of view this was a personal attack on his parenting skills. Long story short (I know, too late!) BF and I end up going back to bed sometime between 5:30 and 6am, only to be woken by the alarm clock at 7:30 this morning. While I am laying on the bed with a cold washcloth over my eyes (nothing like waking up to puffy-been-crying-most-of-night eyes!) BF goes and wakes the girls, and whisks them out the door without me even being able to say good-bye! Keep in mind, I am not angry with Daughter, its BF who I thought was in the wrong.
Later this morning, this is the Instant Message conversation we had while each of us is at work about the night's events:
BF: i'm sorry you were so disturbed last nite. i learned alot from the whole situation. thats about all i have to say on it
Me: what did u learn? that i'm a bitch? i'm unreasonable? your not going to bring the girls around me more?
BF: your words not mine...but I don't think that...I said what I wanted to say about it.
Me:well i think its fair that u tell me what u learned exactly
BF: I learned to never take my kids anywhere but my house is one of the biggests... for spending the night that is
Me: what does location have to do with it? the same thing could have happened at ur house? i dont understand
BF:if I'm at my house and you don't like it you can leave and I won't have to wake the kids up to take them home cause we've upset you
Me:so...this is all my did nothing wrong right?
BF:I am not looking to place fault on anyone
Me: well i'm asking you now...did u do anything wrong?
Me: and if i had been at ur house instead of u at the would have told me to leave?
BF: whether I did anything wrong or not is not the issue, you are not my mother and I don't answer to you...just as I am not your father and you don't answer to me. If I felt I did something wrong then I would take it up with far as your concerned I apologized to you for disturbing you and that is the extent of it. Any other issue is between me and Daughter
Me:do u think u could have handled it differently looking back at it now?
BF: possibly...I don't have time to think about it now...we can either fight about it later and get along till I leave (on vacation) or we can spend the next day fighting about it and have me leave with us not getting along...your call
BF: but thinking in just that moment I feel you could have handled it different as well
WTF? What in the hell did I do but DARE to suggest that he needed to get Daughter under control? I wasn't personally attacking him. I don't name call or scream/yell. Now I am left with the feeling that last nite's episode is just a glimpse of things to come. I hear people talk about 'red flags' in the beginning of their relationship with DH or BF and I know this is a HUGE red flag. I am so upset and this is all I have thought about all day. What to do. Cut my ties now and try to move on? Wait and see if the situation changes? Stick around knowing it's not going to change and just disengage myself entirely? I want to get married in the future and have a family again. I thought this was going to happen with BF. Now I just wonder if we're going to make it all.
As I said in the beginning, I am mortified at the whole situation and my inability to stand up for myself more. I'm so ashamed of BF's behavior that I can't even tell my mom or sister about it (I am close to both). I know they would both wig out and tell me to kick BF to the curb.
- Hesitant's blog
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Why is it that men never want to place the blame on anyone when it's clearly their fault, yet have no problem placing the blame when they know they are in the clear?!
Hesitant, I don't know how to advise you. I'm thinking he needs to hear this from an unbiased third party: HIS PARENTING SKILLS SUCK WIND! The reason he got so defensive is because he knows this is true. I get the whole summer/bedtime thing. My son is nine and I do let him stay up later than usual during the summer months. Probably most of us do, at least on the weekends. But "later than usual" means ten, although I might let him watch a movie until eleven if he stays in his bed and doesn't disturb anyone else. But he's teaching her bad manners when he lets her disturb your sleep when she is a guest in your home. I'm not liking his pissy attitude about it, either.
You know, I don't think this is about the kids at all. Maybe this is more about the, um, status of your relationship. Is there a future there? Does he see you as his children's stepmother? Has he chosen you as his life partner? If the answer to any of those is supposed to be YES, then he has to respect you, he has to teach his children to respect you, and he and they must consider you his equal in all things familial. If that doesn't happen, then you are smart to be "Hesitant." I have to say, had it been me getting awakened in the middle of the night, I would have said - the FIRST time, not the LAST time - "Honey, we have to work in the morning. Please leave the phone on the nightstand and go to sleep. Goodnight!"
Maybe you could ask him these questions and find out what role he sees you playing in his life and in his children's lives now and in the future. If he has expectations of being their their stepmother, then he has to respect you as such. That means involving you in discipline. If he doesn't have this expectation, then no sweat... you see him without his kids, if that's what you want to do, and don't worry about it. It's his funeral.
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)
Oh man. This is
Oh man. This is tough.
First--you were totally right in your way of thinking. And you're very intuitive...he is feeling guilty about the divorce and he's now vowed to become Disney Dad to make up for it. What that child did was not only inappropriate, but dangerous--how did he know who she was even talking to? At 4 am, no child should be up, let alone playing on a cell phone. Is he also going to allow her to IM and email "friends" at all hours of the night because he's guilty? He's going to guilt her right into a very bad situation.
But you already know that. Where I do think you, perhaps, could've done differently, was talk to him in the morning, once you AND he were able to get some sleep. And when you had a chance to cool down. Because even though you couldn't have been more right, there's a time and a place to best address this kind of issue, and it's usually not in the heat of the moment. Why? Because the sentiment gets lost in the delivery. BF probably knew that you were right, but he clearly felt like he was being attacked--and I'm not saying you WERE attacking. But, lack of sleep, tempers flared...nothing good can come of it. Maybe a better solution would've been to call later the next day and say "Hey, I just wanted to mention that I was a little surprised at how you handled things last night with [daughter's name]." No accusing, no demanding.
Anyway...I agree that you need to discuss what your role will be in the future. You cannot continue this relationship and get closer to this man only to marry him and become second fiddle to those girls. It's NOT fair to you, them, or your son. Marriage should be born out of the yearning to merge, share, cooperate...he seems to have an idea of how it WILL be and that your opinion will have zero bearing because they are "his" kids.
This IS a red flag, but it might be lowered if you sit down and talk about expectations. Maybe it was a good thing--if it spurs a positive discourse and establishes expectations, you have a starting point at the very least. And you will, possibly, learn whether or not this situation will be something that you can live with.
Good luck!
First of all...
I am appalled at the situation and completely empathize with you girl! I find it hard to stand up for myself out of concern for stepping on others toes or maybe it's not my place to say. I learned to get over it real quick in the Step family unit. My first question is, why does she have access to a phone anyway? Am I archaic in thinking that kids, such as 11 or 12 (my SD's age) should be laughed at when they want their own phone??? I can see 15 or 16. Okay, sorry, enough about me. I think, if you choose to talk through this with him, that you make it clear it is not a personal attack on his parenting skills (lie if you have to) but when the girls are guests in YOUR house, they abide by YOUR rules. Maybe it would help if you sat them down and said upfront, "these are the rules of my house" That way they are clear on it, maybe they just don't know they are being rude? And I don't think you should feel one ounce of fault for this one. Explain to your BF that whether it is his kids, your kids, or the neighbor's kids, you will not put up with it. And, I'm sorry to say, if he doesn't like it and doesn't have the girls spend the night, well, so be it. Less stress for you. I know that sounds a little cold, but better this happened now,before any legality is set in motion (ie marriage) when the family is blended and then you find out how he reacts...or doesn't react. Keep strong!
You make a lot of sense and sometimes the truth hurts.
As big of a PITA my husband has been lately and as big of a drama queen his ex-wife has been all along, one thing all six of us parents/stepparents have never fought about is discipline. (Yes, six parents. One skid is not biologically his, so we have a two dad and two stepmom, plus one mom/stepdad situation.) Still, there's disagreements, blowouts, crap to deal with, etc. We've had that solid foundation of all the parents agreeing to instill certain core values in the kids and discipline in a certain way... I don't know how a family survives if you don't have it. So Vickiemac is right in that the whole thing is doomed if you can't come to a meeting of the minds on this issue.
But I do think, depending on severity, it can be corrected if both parties are willing to work at it. I know my husband was a little rougher on our son (mine from a previous marriage, but adopted by my DH) than he was on the skids, but this improved as time went on and they formed their own bond as father and son, separate from the bond they each have with me. And I've found that what I thought was him being, well, a tad harsh was really just him feeling his way, trying to do the best job he could do as our son's father without having much prior experience, because his ex-wife had alienated him from their children and he never really got the chance to be a father them.
I don't want to blow sunshine up anyones skirt here. I think you have to be realistic and weigh the facts carefully. I don't want to be pessimistic and say there is no hope, but like Vickiemac points out, you gotta be realistic in a situation like this, rather than optimistic.
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)
This one is tough. And who am I to advise anything? heh. I will say this, though: you aren't wrong for feeling how you feel. Your BF is in the wrong on this one, but he may never see it. Like you said, he is blinded by guilt from the divorce.
I also agree that this situation is a HUGE red flag.
I currently live in a situation where my DH not only used to act like your BF, but still does. And we've known each other for 16 years.
If your gut says, "FLEE!!!!", then maybe you should follow it's cry. If you truly believe this is an isolated incident? Then hey, give it another day or two in court.
From your post, you sound independent and intelligent, so even if you leave this guy, chances are you will still have another family in your future.
Honesty, I think you sound pretty terrific.
Thank you ladies for your input/advice. BF is leaving tomorrow for CA with his girls and sister for a week long vacation. I am going to get online tomorrow morning and print out my blog and all of your comments and give to BF with strict instructions for him to either read it on the plane if he can w/o interruption or some evening after the girls are in bed and he can give it his full attention. That way we are in no position for an argument and he see another person's point of view. It will also get him the opportunity to post his take on the whole ordeal when he returns next Saturday. What do you think?
When I see behavior like that coming out of divorced men, it makes me have little respect for them. Where are the guidelines with his kids? I'd be fuming if my own bio daughter pulled that selfish crap in the middle of the night. Eleven is still young though and daddy should be educating her about having "consideration" for others. tha't what it boils down to. It's NOT okay to wake people up when they are sleeping for such matters as inconsequential as that!!
You better be bleeding if you wake me up after midnight! I don't care if it's summer vacation for the kids or's still a "work" night for me.
Alot of kids today are growing up very self-centered, and yes, most divorced dads have that guilt syndrome..and they aren't doing their kids any justice. For example my skids don't have any set chores to do when they visit us occasionally. I personally don't care but how are they going to learn responsiblity and accountability, etc.? Aren't we supposed to teach them that at home. Did divorce give them the "Get out of chores card." Did it afford them the "You can do anything at anytime card whenever they're at Dad's house?" I feel sad cause when I say...let's not let them watch something that may be inappropriate, hubby just shrugs and says..I can't control what they do at their mom's house and they are allowed there, so we may as well just let them watch it. We just don't seem to have "control" or power over some situations. And I think it's an excuse that men use so they can always be the good disney daddy as someone else put it. Very sad.
Good luck my friend. I hope your bf realized you are trying to be his helpmate with this...his kid was OUT OF LINE. and he should have taken the opportunity to enlighten her. Oh well.
Think about it first
Not to be negative, but....this reminds me of situations that I was in with my now DH. I should have seen the signs back then. It hasn't gotten better and DH ends up resenting me because I get upset with the situation. I know now how very important it is to see eye to eye PRIOR to marriage. Just looking out for you, Hesitant. It seems like you have a good head on your shoulders though. Just dont let him rule you!!!
No, no, no!
DON'T DO IT! When he gets back, sit down with him and talk. Tell him about the site, offer to let him read your heartfelt posts w/ our responses and THEN show him, if he's interested. Sasha is 100% right on this one. He'll come home even madder, because the problem still exists AND you screwed up his vacation. I know it's hard to wait. We want resolution and validation, and we want it YESTERDAY. If patience is a virtue, I'm shit outta luck. But trust us, hold off until he gets back and you can calmly, rationally address the issue face to face.
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)
I have to agree.......
Wait until he comes back from his vacation and anger has subsided abit. You can then maybe openly express your feelings about things a bit clearer for him to understand. If he is anything like my man you have to say it very plain and simple terms for him to grasp it and try not to show any tears because your are upset. Otherwise, he just thinks I am getting emotional over "nothing" and does not stay focused on the issue at hand.
My hubby constantly tells me that he doesn't want to be angry with his kids because they only come every 2nd weekend. My motto is, we have other kids that live with rules on a daily basis in this house, his should as well when they are here.
Good Luck to ya!
I also agree that you should
I also agree that you should not give him the posts to read until after he comes home from vacation. I can also relate to how you are feeling. I had to put up with the "Princess" for almost 8 years now. I also went through the middle of the night awakenings and how his darling can do no wrong. It's also sad to know that someone elses kids at the other end of your BF's cell phone was also up that late playing with phones when they should be in bed sleeping. My BF's daughter is 11 and she has her own cell phone. He calls it nessecity, I call it "SPOILED". I hope for your sake that your bf can come home with some sense in his head and realize that you are only trying to help him to teach his girls the right thing. I personally do not think things will get better. I lived through it all too long and things only got worse. Anything the darling princess want, princess gets and has the nerve to throw her material things in other children's faces. I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. Guilt trip all the way.
Good Point!
I never thought about it 'ruining his vacation'! I will wait until he returns and then print out all the responses, even though I may not even end up showing them to him. I just want to sit down and make some sense of the whole incident, but honestly I just don't see how that's possible. BF takes great pride in being 'there' for his girls and I do see so many wonderful qualities in him that I admire as their father. I'm just not sure he's going to be receptive of any 'discussion'. *Sigh*