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The past year in retrospect.......

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Dang it has been a crazy one. I married my DH on 8 August 2008. AND BM has had us on a non-stop roller coaster ever since. I have one SD (age 6) and BD (age 14). Before we got married DH and I never lived together and I owned my own home. So when May came of 2008 - I put my house on the market and was surprised it had a contract on it that was going to close by July. So by the way (DH had just purchased us a family home in March - which i didn't live in until my home closed)..... But anyways - so in June myself and my daughter travelled down to NC with DH to attend SD's receital and pre-school graduation. At that time - I wanted to introduce myself to her before DH and I got married and moved in together. That way BM would have a face to go with a name and know who was living with her daughter during visits.

WELL - that did not go well at all. She began attacking us almost immediately. Starting emailing saying I was abusing her the very next week. Then started in with claiming with all these sicknesses and filed paperwork for more child support.

Well the child support (x-tra child support was denied) and the judge told DH he was due to have the amount decreased - BUT we agreed to keep it the same.

So now fast forward a year - BM has filed false abuse allegations with us with the court by way of affidavit and motion, has SD on medications that are not necessary, tried to block visits at the school, was caught in numerous lies about school, money, child support and the like. So we had to file a counter motion after counselor revealed the things BM has been telling child and stating she did it just to not have to drive to meet DH half-way for visits.

She has told everyone I am mean and abusive and lied on the counselor intake form to say SD is so afraid of me that she hides her clothing to keep from coming (but we now video tape pickups - and she has yet once to be afraid or scared).

It has been one year of turmoil and hell all at the hands of this vindictive BIT#$. Glad to know that i am strong enough to see that she is just nutz and upset I have married DH. She and he never got married and i guess that has been a sore spot for her all these years..... Besides that SD is 6 years old and they broke up before SD was even born.

But any ways it feels good to get it off of my chest and I can not wait until 9 September (if she doesn't continue the case again) to let the judge see all the emails, harrassment, false charges, counselor's report and notes, school report and notes, DH's book of false protective orders and letters from BM banning him from schools, daycares and anything else. Plus the emails telling him dance was more important than his summer visit and then lying about the dates.

Hopefully, the next year will get a little easier with dealing with her. However if not - then she will fail again at her feeble attempts to break us up. No one in my house is stupid to fall for her tricks.