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Practice what you preach!!

Integ95's picture

When i first got with FDH and became pregnant he always talked about how his kids would be respectful. He does not enforce this with SD. He doesn't expect her to say please or thank you. Or a simple hello or good morning. But on the other hand he expects this out of BS2.
Why is it this kid can get away with doing anything she wants but yet my son gets punished for peeing on a toilet seat. When SD holds herself until she pees all over my floor and rugs in the bathroom she gets to go play in her room like that's punishment. I'm so fed up with BS2 being held to a higher standard than SD4.
This is not right. I do hold my son to a high standard but when he is doing typical 2 year old things I let him learn his lesson. If he does something he knows better than to do then i punish. But according to FDH i let him get away with everything.
A 2 year old and 4 year old can't have the same expectations. They can't have the same rules. I would expect more out of a 4 year old but apparently that isn't fair. SD acts helpless like she can't do anything for herself. Example we showed her over 20 times how to take her shirt off properly and she refuses to do it. BS2 i showed how to do it like 5 times and he does great just like i showed him. It's like she don't want to learn anything. When i ask her to put her shoes on she puts them on the wrong feet. When FDH asks her they are always on right. SD isn't dumb or mentally challenged. According to BM she does stuff at BM house just fine. She use to do things like she is suppose to but the past 6 months it has all gone downhill.
Is this child trying to get under my skin? Is she trying to piss me off? I know her mother tells her she don't have to listen to me. Is SD hoping we will send her to live with BM even though she is told that will not happen if she acts up? BM always tells her she will go live there soon.
I know she is 4 but nothing seems right with this kid. I tried to push counseling but BM won't sign the papers. I don't know how much longer i can walk on eggshells in our house. Every time i say something FDH goes on a i hate SD campaign. Or I'm jealous. Or if i can't get along with SD then i need to move out. He always takes her side. I can make the best dinner in the world and never get a thank you, a smile, a slight glance.
FML I'm lost and hopeless.
Sorry i know this is all over the place. I'm so frustrated.


whatwasithinkin's picture

BS2 should not be "punished" for anything at 2 years old...and DH needs to be told he is totally out of line...

Integ95's picture

I do tell FDH he needs to back off BS then he turns the tables and makes it about SD. At 2 1/2 i do 2 minute timeouts if BS gets in the cabinets(with cleaner) or hits but everything else is him exploring. I do have child safety locks on the cabinets but BS figured them out.

DaizyDuke's picture

Omg do we have the same DH? ? My DH does the same crap with our BS2 only it's even more ridiculous because he holds him to a higher standard than SD14 and SS13. Whenever I tell him he's being a jerk and to knock it off he'll say crap like "oh just stick up for your little BS2" Ugh!!! I mean its HIS son too!!! And he's TWO! But the 13 and 14 year olds can do no wrong and God forbid I point something out...I just hate certainly is maddening!!!