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Psych eval

Irene H.'s picture

Whomever in this group said it sounded like my SS16 has Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) hit the nail on the head.

Since the last time I blogged, he’s been kicked off the bus 3 times. He’s been kicked out of school twice. And he’s already at the continuation school, after getting expelled from regular school. He got extremely aggressive with his teacher, threatened to rip out her eyeball so he could pull her “pea brain” out of the hole, and that qualifies as terrorist threats, a felony. She’s pressing charges, so he told her “snitches get stitches.” So now he’s also being charged with trying to intimidate a witness.

Today he had a psych evaluation, and was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. But I’m not sure what good it will do. I think he is already too far gone.


tog redux's picture

I’d say he has Conduct Disorder.  Some therapists/psychiatrists don’t like to give that diagnosis but it fits. 

Irene H.'s picture

Why don’t they like to give that diagnosis?

tog redux's picture

They feel like it's labeling the kid as a "criminal" and a lost cause rather than exploring what might be underneath the behavior (ie, trauma, parenting issues, depression). But honestly, some kids are on a fast track to prison and you can see it when they are teens.

Irene H.'s picture

Yes, she did. Although nothing official, and she’s asked us to take him back a few times. But since she’s completely destroyed our ability to hold him accountable, she’s been told no.

Harry's picture

He needs help and most likely to be put on some type of drugs .  This is far from normal.  When a school kicks out a kid you know it's bad.  And there parents are not working with the school.  

Lollybobs's picture

He sounds terrifying. Good job he's not under your roof....and hopefully never will be again.