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How is a picture of Stepkids a gift for Father's Day?

IslandofDreams's picture

Does anyone else think that it is appropriate to send Dad Father’s day gifts with their picture? Not talking about homemade fingerprints ~ which is cute when the kids are young~, but a 12yr old giving this type of gift?

My SD12 decided to get dressed up (for an event DH was not invited to), take a picture, copy it to a card she made for DH. It just seems that it always comes back to being about them, when the day should be about the Dads in their lives.

When I was a kid, the gifts I got my Dad were always for him; ties, handkerchiefs, sneakers, specialty coffee, etc. I guess times have changed and it is appropriate to give the gift of yourself to your dad on father’s day???


briarmommy's picture

It depends on the man, my DH loves mugs and things with the kids picture on it. His favorite cards are the photo cards so thats what he gets. But honestly I think it just depends on the man, if your husband doesn't use mugs that often or has one that he uses every day a picture mug would probably not be the best thing for him, now if he collects mugs like my DH and likes to take mugs with the kids pictures to work its perfect.

SASX's picture

I did take the fskids to get their portraits taken. Sears did the portrait of both kids, dressed up so that he would have current pictures of them (BM kept the school pictures he paid for). His gift he opened from them this morning was a 10x13 framed photo of both of the kids, holding a banner that says "We love you Dad". SO was thrilled with the picture, it went straight up on the wall.

Skids did however spend their own $ on their dad as well. FSD purchased him a new wallet, FSS purchased him the required Ugly tie from Hell (dollar store is great for those!) and also got him new bandana's to use as 'do rags' at work. The picture was my idea. The kids asked me two weeks ago to take them out shopping for their dad for Fathers day. They had the cash, just needed a ride.

herewegoagain's picture

Believe it or not, most men could care less about handkerchiefs, ties & shirts...I know my husband would rather get a pic of his kiddo, especially one of them together, than a shirt or tie. Actually, he got a shirt he had wanted, a gift certificate for golf and a homemade certificate with pics of him and our son...he cried when he saw the certificate and went to show everyone...the other gifts? He said thanks and shoved them back in the bag.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

I think DH would love a picture. However, his two adult kids barely speak, so the two of them in one picture is out of the question. My daughter and his kids barely speak, so a family picture is out of the question, unless I get real creative on PhotoShop!!!! LOL!!!! His kids had pretty much blown him off today until I sent a text to SS and "reminded" him that today was Father's Day. He took the bait and invited his dad to lunch. My adult daughter, her husband, and some of their friends who we see regularly will be coming this evening for dinner for Father's Day. They happen to like and respect DH and want to make sure he has a good day......sigh.... :o)

Done WIth It's picture

For years and years, all my husband rec'd from his kids was either a school photo of them in a cheap frame, or a snapshot of all 3 of them in a cheap frame. They could hardly wait for him to open the wrap and gaze upon their beauty.

Husband's kids have always taken photos of themselves because they're so in love with themselves. They're that generation of being taught, "You're so special, you're unique, you're one of a kind...blha blah blah" and they still believe that to this day!!! Then, after some comestic surgery, oh photo photo....omg, everything is "look at me...wait, you can't, I'm too beatiful for you to gaze at me"! I'm sitting here cracking up remembering all the posing they've done (in public) and people stunned looking at how ridiculous and self absorbed they were. At first I was embarrassed for them, then, I learned to laugh and point.

My husband came up with the idea, why don't we give them a photo of the two of us? Tew tew funny. I can just see the stupid look on their faces..........whhhhhhaaaatttttt?? Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?? No money??

This is the truth.....I once bought a mirror to keep one of the husband's daughter. She could sit and gaze at herself for hours!!