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Interesting therapy session

ITB2012's picture

Two recent incidents with DH came up during my session. And from those two incidents and DHs reactions the therapist asked if he came from a high conflict household, that his responses and behaviors are like someone who grew up with a lot of conflict and criticism. Apparently a side comment I made about him not remembering much about his childhood also factored into the query.

I said I didn't think so as his family seems very nice but I don't know them all that well and I haven't been around them for long periods of time so I may be seeing their public face. But what the therapist said got me thinking. I looked up some stuff and many of the "signs of adults who had a high conflict childhood" fit DH. It's an interesting angle.


--figureditout--'s picture

Holy crap!  My DH came from a majorly high conflict childhood, as did I...but he is a damn mess. Interesting reading.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Yup. My DH comes from a HC, highly dysfunctional family. He and his sibs also "don't remember much about their childhood". It's definitely impacted all of them.

ITB2012's picture

It never occurred to me. It fascinates me since I don't come from a high conflict household but we definitely had issues and a possible narcissistic parent thrown in.

But I guess now that I reflect on it there is enough to support a high conflict household. I have gotten the impression and have said to DH outright that he treats me as if I'm his mom, both to take care of him and as a person to rebel against. I've also said he always assumes the worst in me.

And now I'm beginning to wonder if the horrible cliche' is true: he has mommy issues.