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When the kids are more responsible than the parent

ITB2012's picture

I don't know why this bothers me to the point it popped back into my brain, but I'm gonna post about it to get it out.

Yesterday DH contacted me to say that YSS was coming to the house (it's hit or miss now that he has a part-time job) and that he, DH, was going to stop at a happy hour some co-workers were having but that he wouldn't be long. And said what he was thinking about for dinner and we could eat a little late. Okay. Fine. I was home before YSS and heard YSS on the phone with DH as YSS was coming in the door. YSS got the same story.

About an hour and a half later I hear YSS in the kitchen. I go see what's up and he's started dinner (he's really blossomed with this new job). So I ask if his dad told him to go ahead, he said no he was hungry and tired of waiting (and he hadn't heard from DH either). I said I agree so we made and ate dinner. I did text DH half way through cooking that we were eating soon. Nothing.

DH showed up about three hours later than he said he would be. I'm not pissed he went out. Glad he got to hang. Not upset we cooked and ate without him. Not upset it was just me and YSS, we had a nice conversation.

What DH didn't do is check in to say he'd be later, especially since he had told two people something different that affected them. (YSS and I had waited a long time and ate pretty late.) THAT is the point that popped into my head and where the kids/skids are more responsible than DH. They check in.

Last night DH said his phone battery was low and he had left it in his car. Okay. I said we always tell the kids to borrow someone else's phone to contact us and they do. Why do the kids have to be more responsible than the parent? I asked him that specifically. He wasn't happy about that question, but there are very few ways to get through to him and pointing out the children are all doing something that he is not, and that he has told them to do, is one of them.


lieutenant_dad's picture

That seems like a pretty convenient excuse. Do you believe him? Given how much of an arse he has been recently, I'd honestly question if he was out with who he said he was out with.

ITB2012's picture

I checked to see if he was on his way (we do a GPS sharing app) and you can also see the battery strength (no idea why they have that icon) and it was at a single digit. BUT, it also wasn't on his person (based on his excuse). AND, the kids know to find another phone to use to contact us.

tog redux's picture

OK, yeah - that's BS. I'd be furious with DH if he wanted dinner held and then showed up 3 hours later. And he wouldn't do that, if his phone was dead and he couldn't text me, he'd leave the happy hour and come home.


Siemprematahari's picture

Had 3 hours passed without you checking in on H, how would he feel? Did he at least apologize for the lack of consideration he had for you and SS?

ITB2012's picture

He did not apologize. That's why I pushed the conversation to ask why the kids follow proper etiquette but he cannot. I'm guessing if YSS had said something he would have been more apologetic. (And yet he's taught them by example that excuses are reasons.)