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There’s hope yet!!!it’s a Christmas miracle!

JustanotherSM17's picture

Well maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit.... Christmas weekend is around the corner BUT after my talk with DH Sunday he has stoped chasing SD and ignoring BMs text even though she is trying so hard to be relevant ( it's her annual dumping of SD holiday) i was having a conversation with DH Sunday about my moms boyfriends daughter who is the very definition of a 30 year old Mini wife !!! I mean the women is bordline psycho gf with her dad and it's gross! It just so happens that everything my

moms boyfriend is doing is the same exact thing DH is doing with SD14 so it just works out that I'm actually talking about DH when I am talking about my moms BF lol. So anyways my moms boyfriend daughter who I'll call CRAZY is pulling the same games and SD 14 and saying she is"depressed" and it's her daddy's fault . She what does he do? He calls her daily, he drives 3 hours both ways to see her , then once he gets to CRAZYs apartment she does not answer a text or phone call!!!! I said see DH she just wants to be chased , my mom her Bf to back off CRAZY and so far it's peaceful for now. DH agrees that CRAZY is a psycho ( hmmmm imagine that) and needs a man in her life ! After that convo he has not made a single phone call or baby text to SD14. He called her on Friday which of course she yet again did not answer and I guess he decided that was it! BM now keeps texting him videos and photos of SD ( he didn't ask for) and yesterday she randomly texted him SD schedule ( again he did not ask) and BM just texted him the same schedule just a few days ago. All texts DH has not replied too! I know that has got to kill BM since she is trying to hard to keep SD and herself relevant so she can casually mention how SD all the sudden wants to come stay with daddy for the whole holiday break .... I think it has really opened DH eyes to see how CRAZY turned out after all the years she has been babied and treated like a queen. I know he does not want that for SD . Let's hope Christmas comes without any drama from BM or SD 


JRI's picture

There's nothing like an identical dynamic that you guys can both discuss, analyze and criticize.  Of course, it's not like what DH would do (cough cough)..  Consider this your holiday gift from karma.  Lol.

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yes it's funny how everything aligns like that huh ! I mean it sucks for my mom who is dealing with this but at least she is only dating the guy but the red flags are allll there !!! Can you believe CRAZY asked her dad if my mom could live the home while she came to visit and her dad said "he was not sure and he would get back to her" yea that was a huge one there ! 

Rags's picture

CRAZY's daddy is a ball-less shit puddle of a loser.  MIL needs to boot this failed breeder and his CRAZY spawn to the curb.


JustanotherSM17's picture

Yep! She kept saying she would not date a man with young children but now she got with a man with a even bigger issue lol 

Rags's picture

Now, to see if daddy will give a firm start and end date for SD's visit and never again tolerate BM's or SD's gift grab manipulative crap..

Miracles can happen.

JustanotherSM17's picture

I hope so . But now he sees it for himself, if he doesn't contact SD she will not bother to text or call him . So this whole "I miss daddy " thing was a game as I said for sympathy and for DH to yet again but up her butt with out her having to do anything . Yea well he caught on finally and not a single text has been sent since she ignored his call and text On Saturday. Not a word from SD but Christmas is still this weekend and I predict a influx of text from BM and SD ... "daddy when am I coming , I really don't want to miss seeing MIL" meaning I don't want to miss getting my gifts. She gives 2 shits about MIL and SIL ...