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Any advice

kalaodell's picture

SD finally got the memo about taking things that don't belong to her, she didn't have her phone for a week straight. MIL is making a barrier again, I thought we got past this. She is favoring SD over my DD again. DD has her recital coming up and she has pictures and MIL decided to call and say SD wants to go to this event that she thought fell on the same day as recital pictures for my DD. So I said well I won't be attending the event because of DD recital pictures. Pretty sure she got all pissed off. Feeling like I was favoring one over the other... but to be frank my DD is my blood and I am her mother and we have invested ALOT of time and money into this recital. I ended up sending a few pictures to MIL of my DD Saturday with no response at all. Then I have invited her to the recital, and even offered to pay for the tickets.... no response. What the hell do I do? Do I confront MIL or not? Also.. DD says that SD calls her bad names and tells her daddy doesn't love you when DH and I aren't around, it's stressing my DD out and everything is making her studder. Which she has never studdered before now. DD is have behavioral issues too... what do I do? 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

You need to protect your daughter from SD, first and foremost. As far as the "favoring" comments from MIL, forget what MIL says. SD has a mother, even if that mother sucks, and it isn't you. Maybe let MIL take SD as much as she wants to. All the better to keep the bullying SD away from your daughter. If your daughter is also DH's child, leaving may not be the best idea if you want to protect your daughter, if you think your DH would want part custody. You never mention him in your posts so it sounds like MIL might run the show with him. She might even decide to take an interest in your daughter if you leave DH, to try to compete with you. Write this b!tch off. She's bad news. The less of an interest she takes in your daughter, the better. 

kalaodell's picture

DH and l, relationship has been okay, but has gotten rockier with SD being mean to DD, I have tried to keep them away from each other as much as possible. I have been planning activities to bring just DD to to make sure she's okay and still feeling loved in anyway possible. SD goes to MIL house every weekend lately and I feel like it's made things worse 

TheRealHouseWife's picture

I feel like anyone outside of the household dont matter. Not what they feel not what they say. 

Survivingstephell's picture

Ok , I stutter and what you need to do for your BD is hold space for her to talk.  Don't interrupt her, predict her words and say them for her, finish her thoughts.  What you do instead is stop her when it starts, have her take a deep breath. Tell her to think about what she's going to say and start again.  I did this with all four of my bios and I'm glad to say none of them stutter.   Stress is my trigger for it. So is reading out loud from a book to a crowd.  

It must be horrible to have to have your sister tell you those things about your parent. Sibling abuse can leave scars that are hard to heal.  If BD is acting up, then I would say it's worse than what you know. Keep digging.   You need to be your BD's champion. Your MIL can F off.  

kalaodell's picture

Thank you, that's what I've been doing just sad that the stuttering starts back up after a weekend SD goes away. So I think it's definitely stress related :( 

thinkthrice's picture

Another vote for protect DD at all costs!

Rags's picture

When SD pulls her crap bare her ass in front of daddy and point out that no one loves a lying nasty little shit.  Marginalize SD in the home and see how she likes being a lamp shade instead of part of things. Nasty behavioral choices return nasty unpleasant consequences.

Lather, rinse, repeat.