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kalaodell's Blog

Sooo…. The new school year is coming

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So SD starts her program that MIL signed her up for tomorrow, she knows she's to pick her up and drop her off. I went and did a bit of school shopping today for my DD, is it normal to feel bad that I didn't think of SD while at the store, I ended up getting my DD a pair of Adidas & puma shoes. Should I feel guilty? I always feel bad when I buy DD stuff and I don't buy SD stuff. Is there anyway to look past it without feeling guilty 

Well…. Finally

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So MIL came to my DD pre k graduation, as well as adopted "nana" is what she calls her, MIL hasn't been part of my DD life due to choose SD over my DD. Long story short, both grandmas were in the house and SD says to DD look both nanas are here and my DD says I only have 1 nana and it ain't her pointing at MIL. I had to walk away before I cracked up in front of her. MIL has yet to talk to me even though SD is there for the week cuz MIL is on vacation and wanted her. Such a weird situation.


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I just need to vent.... MIL just called SO and told him that she enrolled SD into a dance program without checking with either of us. Especially me.... I should know cuz SO is going on second shift for the summer so he can watch SD so now I will have the kids and all the animals to take care of (own a farm) in the pm she says oh well it's on Monday from 5-7 I'm like listen when am I gonna find time to bring her... she's like I'll bring her but I'm like it's not the point. Why is it so difficult for her to understand it's on our time. 

Crazy drug addicted mother drama

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From what we keep hearing, crazy mother who lives 13 hrs away is telling people she's coming to take SD after school ends to move back up there. No proof of being off meth, no stable job nothing. So here comes the fight. If it's not one it's the other. SD doesn't mention her mother and has given up on trying to call her mother cuz she's always too busy. I feel bad. Am I a bad person for not really giving a shit what happens to the mom? I just want her out of our lives atm. It's always drama with her 

Any advice

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SD finally got the memo about taking things that don't belong to her, she didn't have her phone for a week straight. MIL is making a barrier again, I thought we got past this. She is favoring SD over my DD again. DD has her recital coming up and she has pictures and MIL decided to call and say SD wants to go to this event that she thought fell on the same day as recital pictures for my DD. So I said well I won't be attending the event because of DD recital pictures. Pretty sure she got all pissed off. Feeling like I was favoring one over the other...

Things have changed

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So... it's been a while. My DD is almost 5 years old. The SD is now 9. Her mother had drug issues and she now lives with us. Which is going well. A few hiccups here and there. She has been nasty towards my DD. I have spoken to her about it. Now she is taking stuff from me and my DD and hiding it which I would no problem with her taking it if she asked. I don't know what happened when she lived with her mom. Any suggestions to get her to stop taking things that aren't hers? And any suggestions to get the SD to understand that there isn't any reason to be mean to my DD? 

So far so good

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So I disengaged from the MIL and SD for a while now I'm ready to have her back at my house discluding his mother. I still feel like she doesn't deserve to be in my daughters life whatsoever. I feel like I'm in a good place to let his daughter come back to my house assuming that everything goes well. 

Just stupid

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So his mom texted him today and asked when DD birthday is, she thought it was the 7th it's like I'm no your far off it's the 18th, I want to disengage but i feel like I can't because SO still hears from her on a daily basis but literally she doesn't care she hasn't since I was pregnant with her. Her birthday party is next weekend and they aren't invited because of these things so. His dad came over with SD and didn't even ask about DD and didn't want to see her. The only time they come over is to bring SD to see SO. Very annoying 


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I know I'm a pain in the ass lol and my post are all over the place. Hense my life. Tonight we noticed that anything to do with our DD on Facebook is deleted from Facebook and all social media on FMILs social media. Trying to not let this shot bother me, but it's so unfair to my DD and I feel like SO should have it out with him mom. She treats DD like she's not her grand daughter. We have such a busy lifestyle being young and work and have a lot of hobbies.
