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Wat is best to do with kids during 6 week school summer vacay??

Lady London's picture

What do you think ladies?
Kids are on Summer Vacation for 6 weeks in July.

They are with their mother half the time of course.

But the other 3 weeks – she wants them to go to their Dads who lives about 1.5 hours away.

3 weeks at their Dads – but Dad is working for those 3 weeks.

Do you not think its better that they spend a week with their Dad.

The other 2 weeks will be spent at home so they can mix with their friends.

When I was young, we use to spend the holidays playing with our friends and if we were sent away for 3 weeks to be on our own all day – we would have been very bored.

What would you mothers do with your 13 and 14 years old during the Summer vacay if daddys lived far away from you! Whats best for the teenagers? To be free to mix with friends or to be cooped up at their dads with a TV and computer all day. These kid do not venture ouf of the house when they stay at their dads.


Kb3Hooah's picture

Dad will be able to see them and spend time with them when he gets off of work right?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Lady London's picture

Dad can take a week to be with them but not 3 weeks. it just means they will be alone for the two weeks he is working - so I thought best that they go home... Dad gets home at 7pm yes - but all day they are home alone on the Computer etc - thought they would prefer to be hanging out with their friends.

Lady London's picture

..OH PS..DH said he will drop Skids at bus/train every monring in the holidays, so they can go back to their mums house which will take 2 hours, to play with their friends---what is the point in that they may as well stay at the BM's?

Kb3Hooah's picture

What does your DH want to do? Idk, I lean more towards them being there during his visitation time - which includes during the time he has to work. Even though Dad isn't physically there for 8hrs during the day, the kids are there spending time in Dad's home, which is just as important IMO. He see's them in the evenings when he gets off of work, and he can see them on those weekends.

Does BM work?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Lady London's picture

BM works from home most of the days in the week. SKIDS are old enough to be on their own at either house its just that I think as we are both at work all day and they would prefer to spend time with their friends during the day its best they stay at their mums?
DH has a weird outlook he thinks they can be alone at ours all day - both parents dont seem to think what is best for kids or what kids want. BM just wants rid of them and DH wont go against her wishes.

Kb3Hooah's picture

LL - do you feel like you are looking out for their best interest by wanting them to spend time with their friends, or would you rather them just not be at your house alone?

Forgive me if I'm off base here, but I'm just trying to get down to the source of what's going on so that we can figure out a solution for you.

Speaking as a Mother, I'd much rather my children at that age stay home alone than hang out with a bunch of their friends all day. They are more likely to get in trouble with their friends than they are alone.

I don't think DH just doesn't want to go against BM's wishes, I think he just sincerely wants his children at his home...that's great that he's like that, especially if BM just wants to send them off and get rid of them. (However, I would love a break from all the kids in my home as well every now and then, lol Smile )
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Lady London's picture

I understand you yeah! I just think 3 weeks is too long for them to be cooped up at the house on computers and games. I think its best that they have the ability to do either or. It's healthy for SKIDS to be with their friends instead of TV and computers. When they re at ours - they just sit in their room they wont go to the park which is right on our doorstep they wont walk the dog they just sit around in the house during the Summer. Not healthy. At their mums they do go out - walk dogs and cinema etc - cause that is where there friends are - plus they always want to do the odd excursion. Anyway - lets see how it plans out - thanks for all your comments MIDDLEMOM Smile

folkmom's picture

why doesn't he look into day activities for them to do. here, we can enroll sd in classes at the art museum etc for the entire day and pick her up after work...