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I have two Skids SD15 and SS14(angel). SD15 is TRYING to create animosity between me and my DH (her dad). The BM and SD always try to split us up usually when BM is not happy. Me and my DH have noticed a pattern : It always happens when her mother the BM does not have a man in her life!! SD comes over with attitude especially towards me and because I treat her in the same way she treats me she does not like it and goes back to her Mom who in turn calls my DH saying that I do not like the SD. DH is on my side as he knows this is not true!


Lady London's picture

The Skids 13/14 are at mine and DH since last Thursday and as I said in previous notes they have not been out the front door in 6 days. There is a park on my doorstep but they wont venture out. Moaning they have pains in their legs from sitting around for a week. DH does not tell them to go out and maybe walk the dog - we are at work during the day and they are lying aroud bored. This is why I thought best they stay at their mums for this part of the holidays where they have friends and sports opportuinties. I think the partenting needs addressing in this scenario.

Man Traffic

Lady London's picture

How does this affect kids? Dh bm has one man after the other, they move in maybe hv a child, when man realises he is dealing with a money whore, selfish woman who is not genuine they move out. Bm then creates problems for my dh and my relationship until the next man comes along. My skids are teenagers - how will this effect them?

Wat is best to do with kids during 6 week school summer vacay??

Lady London's picture

What do you think ladies?
Kids are on Summer Vacation for 6 weeks in July.

They are with their mother half the time of course.

But the other 3 weeks – she wants them to go to their Dads who lives about 1.5 hours away.

3 weeks at their Dads – but Dad is working for those 3 weeks.

Do you not think its better that they spend a week with their Dad.

The other 2 weeks will be spent at home so they can mix with their friends.

What age will the kids be when the DAILY Communication reduces to a more nomal weekly or monthy Comunicado?

Lady London's picture

Hi ladies, can someone tell me what the roundabout age of a child should be when all the daily communication, multiple texts phone calls, from the BM will stop. My two Step Children are 13 & 14 - when will she calm down? There is no need for this amount of contact is there - what has she got new to say EVERYDAY?? lol

BM wont let 13 and 14 Year Old Kids Stay Home Alone!!

Lady London's picture

The BM is now imposing on DH and my weekend off fron the kids to keep them one night! Why would they need baby sitting they are 13 and 14 years of age. Don't you think they are better off at home instead of BF havng to drive one hour in the evening to pick them up and another hour the following morning to drop them home cause Retchid BM fanices a night out on her weekend with her Children. Sounds like control again to me! DH should tell her to Jog on But he is going to do it!

..Kids told not to get train to see Daddy..

Lady London's picture

Why would the retchid BM stop her children from getting the train to see their father. She allows them to get the train everywhere else...

The father thinks they are now old enough 14 yrs lol to come to him - it's an hour drive away - so about the same time on the train!

She wants him to pick them up and drop them every time. BUT their friends are getting trains everywhere even to their fathers houses on weekend visitation!



Lady London's picture

Ok guys, I live with my man - he has two kids 14 and 13 (not babies) and his BM is doing all to disrupt our lives. She has another child (3 yrs)from another Father as well as My Mans two - but for some reason its my man she cant let go of.