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So Tired of This BS

LadyTremaine07's picture

I don't know what to do. I am so tired of the BS that BM puts my SO ( we still act like a couple) through. The latest: she moved in with another man in another town and he got her a job at the company he works at. About 2 weeks ago, my SO gave the kids to her for visitation since she had decided to hand them over to him to care for. He was supposed to get them back yesterday. Lo and behold, BM is nowhere to be found and hadn't contacted him. Today, he called around to her family and finally got in touch with her. She promptly informed him that he wouldn't get either child back since she, her mother, and her grandmother decided that it would be best if he didn't have them at all. So apparently, my SO is no longer allowed in the decision making for his own children. BM has SS2 calling this new man "Daddy" (he's only been in her life for a month) and my SO "Daddy J***" again. SO is going to call Legal Aid again tomorrow and try to get help with a lawyer so he can see his kids again. Lord help us if that immature, ignorant girl gets custody of them.