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LadyTremaine07's Blog

So Tired of This BS

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I don't know what to do. I am so tired of the BS that BM puts my SO ( we still act like a couple) through. The latest: she moved in with another man in another town and he got her a job at the company he works at. About 2 weeks ago, my SO gave the kids to her for visitation since she had decided to hand them over to him to care for. He was supposed to get them back yesterday. Lo and behold, BM is nowhere to be found and hadn't contacted him. Today, he called around to her family and finally got in touch with her.

*sigh* SS2 misses his mom...just wish she would pay attention more to her own child...

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I was just thinking today about how much all the drama with my skids has hurt me in the long run. I give blood when I'm eligible and this last time, I was ineligible due to my heart rate. So I went to the doctor, because my heart rate is never high. My heart was racing. The doctor told me no more soda or caffeine, water only, and that I had to lose weight (this I already knew and I now have a plan in place to lose weight, hello vegetarianism). He also put me on propranlol, which I have to take twice a day or my heart rate spikes. This same medicine is also used to calm anxiety.

Just an Update

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I haven't blogged in awhile because I was waiting til things were going better to blog. Well...things are going great. My SO and I, although we aren't officially together, we are amicable and still do things with the kids. BM gave SS2 to SO and SS2 has thrived ever since. SS 10mos is getting big. We don't get to see him often. I move in to a new apartment in about a week and a half and I started a job about a month ago. I'm looking for a second job and have been reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover to help me get out of the debt that my relationship with SO has caused me.

If You Can't Text It...It Obviously Wasn't That Important

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So I'm spending some time with my SO today and we're getting ready for a little yard sale because we are both broke. BM decides to text him to TELL him to call her because it's important. SO has no actual minutes left on his phone (he has a limited amount of minutes, but unlimited texts and data), so he can't call her. He asked her if it was about the skids, and she wouldn't answer back. I don't know what y'all think about this, but I think that she was just wanting SO's attention and he wasn't gonna give her the time of day.

O/T: Goes along with the infertility blogs

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So I go to check Facebook today and I see that Oklahoma is trying to pass a "Personhood Bill." This bill states the life begins at conception and that unborn children have rights. The wording is so broad that it can be interpreted as banning birth control, Plan B, and fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization. I read this and it absolutely breaks my heart. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Due to my PCOS, I am battling infertility. I have 2 options.

BMs and Cars

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So BM decided to show up in or town with the skids yesterday. She also made out quite clear that I am not allowed to see them. At all. I had an anxiety attack over this. I guess I'm just tired of feeling like a bad person because of her. I said my piece to her and called her a selfish, shitty mother. It probably wasnt the best choice of words, but I was upset at the time. She won't even be in the same room as me, but I did call her on most of her shit, so I don't blame her. It's her fault that SO is in this situation (no job) anyways. Not mine.

Life Thus Far...

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I actually have very little to say. Things happened (im not going into deep discussion because these are not things you publicly post), SO went to jail and lost his job (thanks to BM's sister), BM ran off with the kids, and I feel like I'm left to clean up her sloppy mess, literally and figuratively. BM is burning bridges with her family and his family (mainly over what happened with me and SO), but she doesn't see that these bridges are being burnt.

Linking Texts to Google....

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Well...we are no longer living with BM. Yay!!! But now that we're gone she's refusing to let my SO see the kids. I know some of you have linked your text messages to a Google account and I would like to know how you did that so I can keep track of all the text messages she sends us. We've asked time and again to see the kids and she won't let us. She won't even tell us where she went with them. All she'll tell us is that "we know the boys are okay." From what we've seen and been told, she initially left with no clothes for her or the kids, no diapers, no formula, and no money.

I Haven't Been On Lately Because....

LadyTremaine07's picture

1. SS 5mos has been sick. So, besides taking him to the dr. (which I can't do), I have been taking care of him. The inbred hillbilly bitch won't let me go to dr appts for the skids with her. I think she's afraid I might push for not changing all their routines like she lets the drs at the ER and at her dr office do.

2. SO has been having trouble with a wisdom tooth, so I've been taking care of him too. I've been there and done that, so I know he needs someone to take care of him.
