I hardly ever post, because just thinking about this stupid shit, let alone verbalizing it, usually completely pisses me off.
My MIL is absolutely the most self-centered, narscissistic person I know. Even moreso than my dad. She constantly looks for ways to exert control over what DH and I do, especially when it comes to SD13 (we have her full time, and I have been in the picture since she was 7). This time though, she has just gone too damn far.
It will be three years this Dec., her husband (DH's step-dad) passed away. They were married for nearly 10 years, and DH's step-dad had pretty much done more for him and SIL than their own father. I adored that man. He was like the one piece of sanity in the whole MIL situation. SFIL has a son. We spent nearly every holiday with him, his wife and their 2 small children. His wife was pregnant with their third when SFIL passed away. It was just a few days away from Christmas, so that year, we all celebrated/grieved together. Then, MIL said they gradually just stopped calling. She said she called them, but they would not return her calls, etc.. Then the next Christmas, she said she called and invited them, but they didn't want to come.
From that, DH, his sister & I, just assumed that maybe they just wanted to go their separate ways and cut ties with us.
Wrong. I was talking to SD about a month ago. We were talking about how her grandma (MIL) lies all the time and everything. (It's pretty well known to everyone in our family that she does this. However, if anyone says anything about it, she will deny, deny, deny and never acknowledge that she did anything wrong, and that it's everyone else who is lying).
So, she tells me that she heard her grandma on the phone to SFIL's son that 2nd Christmas. She told them that we weren't doing anything. She told them that we weren't having dinner, and weren't even doing presents that year. :jawdrop:
So, this whole time, we have thought that they didn't want anything to do with us, when in reality, she was manipulating the whole situation because SHE didn't want anything to do with THEM.
The separation from them and the kids really hurt SD13, and she didn't understand why we never saw them anymore.. until now.
I sent SFIL's son's wife a friend request on FB about 2 weeks ago after DH and I discussed it. Thank god, she added me, but was foreseeably upset. I did explain what happened, and since she knows MIL just as well as I do, she believed me. I really hope we can reconcile with them. I have been just sick about it since I found out. And, I just don't understand how MIL can be ok with hurting so many people, just because SHE didn't want anything to do with them.
She even told SD13 to stop calling them her aunt and uncle. I am sooooo done with that woman.
- lexaprotakemeaway's blog
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my mil isn't that bad, but
my mil isn't that bad, but she is CONTROLLING..... so, do what i started doing, have the holiday stuff at your house and let her know your plans after she has made hers, so she's obligated to her shin-dig and you don't have to see her face on holidays.. YAY...
If only it were that
If only it were that simple... lol. My DH is totally still on the tit. I've been trying to ween him for the last 6 years. He's gotten better, but, O.M.G... sometimes I just wanna shake him! lol
Ugh.. I only WISH we could
Ugh.. I only WISH we could move that far away!!!
We just bought a house in the same town almost 2 years ago. We have SD full time, and SS EOWE. DH didn't want to separate them by moving since they are really close to each other, and I agreed. So.. we're kinda stuck here for now, but I swear to God.. we're moving when they're out of high school!!!!
Bwwahahaha!! That is a GREAT
Bwwahahaha!! That is a GREAT idea!
I wish I could confront her and just tell her I know what she did. She is just so completely out of touch with reality that it doesn't even work, lol. She would just deny everything and say they're lying.
She lies about the most stupid things. For example, just last year when school started, I bought SD13 2 pairs of shoes for school. At that time DH and I both were leaving way early for work, so she was getting ready for school at MIL's house, so I told SD to take both pairs with her.
Well, apparently, MIL thought one pair of them were ugly, so she hid them.
She hid them. I kept noticing that SD wasn't wearing them, so I asked about it. She said that MIL said 'they were too big', so she put them up 'for later'. Now, this was like an $80 pair of tennis shoes. I told SD that if MIL wasn't going to let her wear them to school, she needed to just bring them home. (MIL is notorious for this kind of behavior.. she has done this more than a few times when she didn't like something. She puts it away 'for later', and by the time she brings it out, low and behold, SD has grown out of it). So.. I keep reminding SD to bring them home, and she keeps forgetting. So, I ask MIL about them. She says she can't find them, and they must be at my house. A few days later, I was picking SD up from MIL's house. MIL was in another room on the phone, so I ask SD about those shoes. She goes 'oh yeah, I think they're in here...'
She goes to the closet and pulls them right out.
MIL comes in that room and sees the shoes and acts all surprised.. she goes 'Oh, you found those shoes!? Where did you find those?? I looked and looked and couldn't find them.'
SD says 'They were in that closet.'
MIL: 'No they weren't! I looked in there the other day and they were NOT in there!'
SD: 'Well, I don't know, but that's where I got them.'
MIL: 'No. No.. that's not where they were.'
It was just totally insane.. I SAW SD go to the closet and get them. MIL kept denying it, telling me they were not in there ALL THE WAY TO MY CAR!!
The woman is BAT SHIT CRAZY!!!!