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I hate handover time

Lifer33's picture

Feel like I've got to watch the time in order to avoid bm. Yes there is no love lost and I do not want to see her. So normally it's blinds down stay out of the way.

Yesterday all of our neighbours and friends were having a water fight in the street. At quarter to the hr. I thought nope, I'm not leaving dd out here alone or missing the fun. So I stood on the opposite corner with a friend. Bm swung by to get ss. I swear she was craning her neck so hard I thought she was going to mount the kerb and hit my car!

You just can't help yourself can you nosey bleep!!! Satisfied you've had a good look?!


JRI's picture

BM used to bring the 3 SKs over every Friday.  I think she must have picked them up from school and sped over here.  Some days, I expected her to just slow briefly, dump them out and speed off.  Then, we had the transition period.  It seemed to last about 24 hours with aggressive behavior and plenty of upset.

Now that I'm past it all, I think there must have been a transition period when they went home Sunday night.  Visitation was hard on all of us.  I never dreamed life would get easier when they all moved in full time but it did.

Rags's picture


Not the handover process specifically. It was SKid behavior related.  We dealt with pre visitation behavioral degradation starting about a week before the start of a SpermLand visitation.  Sullen, withdrawn, lippy, etc....

Following a SpermClan visitation, we had 10-14ish days of post visitation behavioral detox.  

Eventually we took a zero tolerance stance with SS both before and after he traveled to and from splashing in the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.   Eventually he figured it out and toned the pre and post visitation behavioral crap down. It never fully went away, but it was less severe as he progressed through his teens.