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oh god you mean I have to move.....

love_my_shichi's picture

So, my fiancee told the skid brothers they need to help him rake leaves today. Mind you, they NEVER DO ANYTHING BUT PLAY XBOX 24 HOURS A DAY ALL WEEKEND. They have no chores ever. Never lift a finger. Well of course they responded with..."noooo!!! Why? We won't! It's not fair! No! Noooooo......!!!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!" This went on and on. All because they have to spend 20 minutes on a sunny Saturday helping their father.

They have no respect. Pathetic.


love_my_shichi's picture

If I hear the "THEY'RE JUST KIDS" excuse one more time I am going to scream. They are 10 and 12 and they could do just about ANYTHING....burn the house down, rob a bank....and his response will be, " but they're just kids".

imjustthemaid's picture

We have a yearly fight over raking the leaves also!! This year the guy that was cutting our lawn brought over his huge blower and blew them away!! But somehow it always ends up being me and DD10 raking and SD16 going off to her friends house and doing nothing!!

I'm pretty sure the only way to get the kids off the xbox is to set it on fire. I have to tell SD a million times to turn it off and her answer is always one more sec. Ugh!

love_my_shichi's picture

Girls play xbox too? Interesting....

My daughter is addicted to instagram.

imjustthemaid's picture

DD10 and SD16 are addicted to Halo. They play it on xbox live and play with all of SD's boy friends.

love_my_shichi's picture

If I ask my daughter to do something, she does it. I assume most kids do. The skids on the other hand, will whine like they are being tortured, like little FREAKING annoying babies....NOOOO!!!! NO NO NO! I DON'T WANT TO. I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T. NAWWWWWW!!!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!!!. And then if I say anything to my SO a out this behavior being problematic he says, "no, they are just children. This is what children do." And I am like.....THIS IS NOT HOW CHILDREN ARE. THIS IS YOUR EXCUSE FOR YOUR BRATS.