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I'd where to start... My story that is...

Lvcoffee14's picture

:? I found and married my high school sweetheart. He already had one kid by the time we met over 20 yrs ago. We've been engaged before... Former military and I got scared. Then he had 2 more kids. Then after some growing up on both our parts and getting out of an abusive marriage (me) and finally marrying the man I've always loved I thought I finally had it all. But he's got 1 more and she's the princess. SHE'S the one who can do no wrong. She's made life so... Miserable... For not only me but his other kids too. It's pretty clear who he favors but won't admit it. And simply says he wants her to be happy. Ok that's fine I get that...i really do... But why does her happiness come at the expense of the rest of us??
She never does anything wrong... She never listens to anyone but dad... And the rest of us suffer the consequences if she's upset.
This is just a quick thing I have to get out before he comes home on a few mins...
I need help...I need advice... I'll coming salary at the seams


Maxwell09's picture

Mini wife; search the term here and online, it's probably what you're dealing with if I had to guess. It happens a lot more than we think and it's disgusting.

Lvcoffee14's picture

He is definitely the one that is making this into a bigger issue than it needs to be. I've tried disengaging...and I have followed thru. A few years ago we had a big issue about her eating. Supposedly some counselor told him that her picky eating was nothing he could fix and he simply needs to give into what she wants to eat. I HATE dinner time... Sorry I'll have to finish this in a little bit... He just got home

Lvcoffee14's picture

He is definitely the one that is making this into a bigger issue than it needs to be. I've tried disengaging...and I have followed thru. A few years ago we had a big issue about her eating. Supposedly some counselor told him that her picky eating was nothing he could fix and he simply needs to give into what she wants to eat. I HATE dinner time... Sorry I'll have to finish this in a little bit... He just got home

Lvcoffee14's picture

Yep that's exactly what happened! I did try and try and try with the food. My breaking point was when I actually got her to eat some chicken that was cleverly mixed in with her rice... She didn't notice and was eating out...I was so proud of myself!!! I told him what I did... So what did he do? I watched him from around the corner SHOW HER HOW TO TAKE THE CHICKEN OUT AND SAY "YOU DON'T HAVE TO EAT IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT "!!!!!! She had absolutely no clue!! But then all of a sudden she was doing her fake gagging to him and I lost... Again. But for the last time. I don't make anything for her. She eats random noodles and cereal and he is worried about her vitamin intake. I just walk away.

ChiefGrownup's picture

NOW he's worried about her vitamin intake? NOW?!!?! I cannot believe he went and told her. OMG, if that's not part of a mini wife behavior dynamic I don't know what it is.

In frustration I once told dh I wanted to put a box of crackers and a handful of candy on sd's dinner plate so we could be done with the pretense and all the insults that go into that charade. He was not happy. He begged me to keep trying. My dh has made plenty of mistakes but dayum narcing on you and teaching the girl to remove protein from her diet? Holy moly. That takes the cake. Or it is the cake. The cake she eats instead of protein.