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Lynneamay44's Blog

Safety issue ?

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After today's incident with my SS I am concerend.( This is one of many issues we've been dealing with  in the past several weeks. Everything from calling  me a fat cow, swearing, other other issues)
My SS who has ASD tripped  ( on purpose ) my 14 year old down a flight of stairs. 

Previous Debt !

Lynneamay44's picture

We've been having an internal battle whether to share this or not! 
Quick back story... married a man who had 6 kids from 2 previous marriages, I have 4 bio kids one marriage. 
H and I were friends with each other and our ex spouses before we got together. Our friendship turned relationship after our ex spouses had affairs with each other. Honest truth you can't make this mess up ! 


Lynneamay44's picture

Last night I came home after a 12 hour shift to find my H, his ex wife, and my ex husband sitting around the dinner table. Which to be fair it's not an unusual occurance, since we all get along. 
My H had poured me a glass of wine and said he'd wanted us all to talk. I thought to myself oh what now,?! 

The three of them had come up with a plan for Xmas. 
They now all want to spend Xmas Eve and Xmas day in my house. All of the kids plus the ex's. 
Their thought processes was so all the kids could be with both sets of parents, and no one would be left out. 

I am not alone !

Lynneamay44's picture

Hello everyone, 
I am so thankful to have found this forum. For the longest time I've felt alone in the battle with being a step mom. I'm a mom of 10 kids ( yup 10). 
My husband has 6 kids from two marriages, and I have 4 children from one marriage. 
When I met my husband I knew I was taking on 6 extra little humans, and we'd have days where we would end up on the brink of insanity. Between the noise levels, fighting, and not to mention the grocery bill we do have days where a bottle of wine is required at the end of the night.