Mamma Jamma's Blog
HELP!!! How do you explain this to a 5 yr old??
How do you explain to a 5 yr old that hasn't seen her mommy for nearly 2 months that she won't get to visit this weekend as planned because BM is likely going to jail for child neglect/endangerment?? Not 100% certain she is gone but charges are filed and she is panicking (oh makes me feel good to know that!! ) and we think since charges pending CPS won't allow visit anyway. We talk to CPS tomorrow and know more then.
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Ha ha ha!!! This is EVIL (slightly) but I don't care!!
So Sybil wants to talk to skids tonight.
First, SD5 said she didn't want to talk to mommy!! (yes evil to gloat but when every talk turns into tears and tantrums that *I* have to deal with...too bad!) Well, after sybil's on phone and SS gets phone first, SD whines that she wanted to talk first...but she's cranky and has whined since she got home from school.
Second, Sybil's phone almost dead so she can't talk long. Good. The less time to talk, the less time to fill SDs head with crap about me (the woman raising her children--that she didn't want to meet!)
Date night--the aftermath
Date night itself went great, dinner and a movie and generally good all around. Except. I apparently have strep/ear infection/who-knows-what. I was bound and determined to go out--first time in a month! We'd been going out a couple times a week, so this has been a big change.
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Just checked DH cell because it was ringing and he's asleep--it's our work # too, so it could be a business call. Well it was a telemarketer, but there are 4 new texts from Sybil. It won't show "new message" anymore so he will know I read them but that's ok.
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Date night.
Tomorrow is supposed to be our first night without the kids since they got here a month ago.
Not feeling optimistic after today. Someone is gonna screw it up. Most likely Sybil, but other candidates include either skids at home, or SD23 who is supposed to babysit, as well as DH. He's been sick for 2 weeks off and on. Won't see a Dr. Not sleeping well which throws him off for days to follow. GROUCHY AS HELL. Smoking too much too, both of which pisses me off.
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Sybil....she's making me nuts!
Her latest thing is trying to convince SD that she should be afraid of me. I heard a tiny bit of phone conversation the other night between them and told DH. He spoke to Sybil later that night, and came upstairs and asked SD if she was afraid of me. She replied yes she is.
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Sybil strikes again
Yes I am awful lol! I am thoroughly enjoying this round of "texting with Sybil"
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BMs and bedtime, part 2
Well, turns out it doesn't matter when Sybil calls...called this afternoon while they were out playing. Alls well, DH tells them to come inside (after 2 hours outside mind you) and SD melts down. "Noooooo I hate you I hate SS I hate (MJ) I hate everyone waaaaah!" The last time they were out playing she was told it's time to come in, she whined a little then was fine. Total bratty temper tantrum this time. Screaming, backtalking her dad, the works. Even threw in "I wanna go hooooome!
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BMs and bedtime...
Why do the psycho BMs always call at bedtime????!? Are they seriously that clueless???
This is the second night within a week that Sybil has called just as DH was reading SD5 a bedtime story. SD needs a routine, she gets upset when it's broken. Last time she kept the kids then DH on the phone an hour, then heard SD in the background talking and went off on DH for letting her stay up so late. He told her, not at all nicely I'm happy to report, that he was putting her to bed when Sybil called an hour ago!!!
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I love this site!
I am VERY new to all the stepparent stuff. I was a childless widow when I married my DH in January. We had discussed his children early in our relationship and I knew there was a good chance that SS10 and SD5 would live with us at least part time at some point. That point occurred last weekend when we drove 4 hours to pick them up from BM.
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