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So confused.....

maree80's picture

For the last couple of months all I can think about is having a baby with my DH. He has SS9 and I have DD's 14 (soon to be 15) and we have been married for 2 years! He is the man of my dreams and we are totally in love!!

I don't think I've ever been so indecisive about anything!! I work in a baby shop, which doesn't help as I get really clucky when I see all these beautiful babies and I keep wandering what our baby would look like!!

I just don't know what is best for us....I keep thinking about how I wasn't the one who gave DH his son (he adores him) but it was his ex that did and I feel ripped off that she got to experience all that with kills me that she made him so happy by having his son!!

But on the other hand, my girls are getting to an age where they will soon be out on their own and we only have SS 50/50, and I wander what I want more DH, myself and a baby or just DH and myself!! I am so confused!! :?


PeanutandSons's picture

I know how you feel. I have two sons with dh but I can't get the "what would our daughter look like" out of my head. I think about a third child daily.