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marty15's Blog

Dad, what's for dinner? I have to ask YOU

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Me: Come home from work. Walk in to room where kids are all hanging out. Say "Hi". My BS says hi, Skids say nothing. Awkward as usual. (Have gone down the road of them being told how rude it is when someone says hi or bye and they don't respond. Gave up on it, they just don't care about being rude or about my feelings).

Me: Change out of work clothes, start making dinner in kitchen. In and out of kitchen the next hour or so, CLEARLY cooking, you can smell food, etc.

Strangers in the kitchen... ugh

marty15's picture

Now that Skids are getting older (12 & 15) they are expected to get themselves snacks, make their own lunches at times, etc. Of course they make a mess, put things back where they don't go, don't re-seal things up properly, etc.

After being in control of my own kitchen for so long, I get that I have to let certain things go, like expecting it to stay clean after I clean it, find things where I left them, not have things get dried up that are supposed to be sealed back in a package, etc.

frustrated with dinners

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I am so sick of making dinners only to have someone suddenly decide they "don't like that anymore". I come home from work and make a dinner that I *think* these kids like, they they have said they like, only to hear they don't like it anymore.

No, we don't then make them a different dinner, we say "this is what we're having, and you've liked it in the past".