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My heart is breaking for SD10

mckenzie0806's picture

As many of you know, BM has put our family through hell for the five years that DH and I have been married. Last year after BM abused SD my BH gained custody. We just learned in the past week that BM has moved for the 8th time in 5 years. (One of the many reasons DH gained custody) She moved back to our hometown in NOVEMBER. She has lived here for almost 6 months now, and we had no clue. What the real kicker is is that SD10 has been lying the entire time. About everything. And when asked why, she said because Mommy doesnt want you to know where we live or what she drives. WHY? And MOST importantly WHY does she tell a 10 yo to lie for her???? So SD10 has been holding this in for almost 6 months now. This has really torn me up for several reasons: 1. Because SD10 is now lying about EVERYTHING for her mother and can't be trusted to tell the truth; 2. We recently had a rash of SEVERE tornados that killed 2 people not far from where we live. What the hell would happen if SD was involved? We wouldnt have a clue. What if her BM hit her again? We wouldnt have a clue where to find her.. I feel like I am going to vomit or get an ulcer either one...


mckenzie0806's picture

much more going on. We just can't prove it. SD10 basically stays at her grandparents every night without BM. Last night when we caught SD in a lie and told her that she was caught she just broke down sobbing. Every single time she goes to BM's for visitation she comes back lying about something. I have no idea what to do...We try to teach her right from wrong, but its just not doing any good. Last time we went before the Judge BM admitted to letting SD sleep in the bed with her and her then BF who is nowhere now. And actually thought it was ok...

Most Evil's picture

I am not sure how you go about it but can you report this to child services and have them investigate? Maybe BM would only be allowed supervised visits. I would be scared too for SD and would try to report on this today!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin